@MRpingouin That won't likely happen anymore :( if I recall correctly, it's the updated unity engine that is the cause for the removal of mods in android. Even if the devs want to, they can't put mod support for SP android unless they downgrade the unity engine. I am not sure if I am right, though.
I guess it is kinda weird to see but hey if the build is good and it has effort put into it why not check it out? Isn't simpleplanes about making planes that fly and not about upvotes?
When I used to make ships, I split the hull into two fuselages. The top fuselage is where the buoyancy is and the bottom is used to give the ship displacement. Hope this helps. :)
At first, I thought the explosion was edited but then I rewatched it several times and realized that it's not! How did you make the explosion look like that?
@Xenotriver I have read some stuff that doesn't use yaw as stabilization like airbrakes, thrust differential, etc., I am not an experienced Funky tree user so those are out of my league.
@Yintecptor It's a good looking plane. :)
This is 'ery noic
@CreeperOfTheFortress This is still well built! I just gave a suggestion anyway so it's fine. :)
YES make the IS-8 first!
@rexrexThezion big brain time
He do be dancin' doe
@MRpingouin That, I still do not know since I can't open my SP since my phone is dead. lol
@MRpingouin That won't likely happen anymore :( if I recall correctly, it's the updated unity engine that is the cause for the removal of mods in android. Even if the devs want to, they can't put mod support for SP android unless they downgrade the unity engine. I am not sure if I am right, though.
Words cannot describe how detailed this is. It's like I am looking at a 3D model rather than a build. This is awesome.
@PlanariaLab Neat! I am looking forward to it!
I was thinking of an Arcade Building on the first floor and a Cafe on the second floor.
I was thinking of an Arcade Building on the first floor and a Cafe on the second floor.
Skate shoes are cool
The Flag. Definitely the Flag.
I guess it is kinda weird to see but hey if the build is good and it has effort put into it why not check it out? Isn't simpleplanes about making planes that fly and not about upvotes?
This is just a normal 737 max video. 0/10
(How did you make him glow doe)
Imagine an M2 browning coming at you at a hundred miles per hour, guns blazing. Terrifying.
Very nice build!
@Horsepower Quite indeed.
@Horsepower Donkey is Donkey
@Horsepower Donkey.
@Viridi yep, Snowflakes has a website for Funky Trees, https://snowflake0s.github.io/funkyguide.html#sectionthree here is the link
@Viridi FT is basically complex inputs. You can use FT on your turret to automatically aim and lead at a target.
Ah yes, the all-powerful tonk
When I used to make ships, I split the hull into two fuselages. The top fuselage is where the buoyancy is and the bottom is used to give the ship displacement. Hope this helps. :)
@Maxwell1 Hey :)
@Grob0s0VBRa 0% progress at all lmao, I haven't been able to touch it let alone play SP since I am busy with school.
Pretty well I guess, I haven't been able to continue my works in SP ever since school has started which is a bummer. :(
Modernized Foch go brrr
At first, I thought the explosion was edited but then I rewatched it several times and realized that it's not! How did you make the explosion look like that?
@OPaiTaOn Yep.
If I recall correctly, there is a new attribute for missiles which is called waterproof(?) I am not sure though. You can check the 1.9 update notes.
Edit: Just checked the 1.9 update and it's called "waterproof".
@DarthAbhinav I didn't knew this existed! Does this work on mobile as well?
@jamesPLANESii Yeah :( I may have to use a hidden rudder or something else.
@Xenotriver I have read some stuff that doesn't use yaw as stabilization like airbrakes, thrust differential, etc., I am not an experienced Funky tree user so those are out of my league.
@AustralianBoi I guess that would work but I want to make my aircraft to have no tricks like that.
You can't :(
@BeryllCorp what if all the three became one...
I like trongle pleyn
@Grob0s0VBRa who knows? ;))
Yellow Square
One Darjeeling Tea, please.
@Grob0s0VBRa Noice
Tonk's partner in crime. I love it.