@HoshimachiSuiseiMyBeloved F
Close enough! 8.9/10
33d person to download
@Josepo because he has goggles
@Josepo when ever I hear that I literally get a mini heart attack lol
Can you make a Saab 340 or crj 700
@Aludra877 yes
@Inuyasha8215 I am mustard
You’re back!?
@FirstFish83828 noice
I sniped one out of existence
We cannot see this crap
@llDeadboyll yea, I want that too
@ThatRandomCouchPotato thanks
@ThatRandomCouchPotato I did not do that part
@ThatRandomCouchPotato thanks bro
Credit to original creator
Look at your most recent tank, read my comment
As a German, I respect this
@alexJgameYTukraine000000 What are you saying?
I found a real avro anson wreck in a field
@WINGSIRONOFICIAL @MeekhunSP Why thank you!
“Oh, well that doesn’t fly very well at all” Whoever narrated that, 2022
Get this featured
@coochtroop check out my latest posts
Lugia in Pokémon violet
First one to comment first, second and third
@Sbevensplanes this plane made the USS beast fly all the way to snowstone, truly a beautiful beast.
747 ultra lite
@Sbevensplanes come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come back!
I might not post for a bit, see you soon.
@rapewa what?
@JJsimple Canada is cool!
Canada 🇨🇦
The current fleet: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/tyxEuc/SP-Aircraft-SP-30-100-Hydrogen-powered-Aircraft-losainair , https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/9KyfXX/Wingsiron-K-180-losainair-cargo ,
Very impressive! Can you upload the plane
For a beginner it is beautiful, welcome!
@arraibqureshi What?
Well, it flew.
@HoshimachiSuiseiMyBeloved F
Close enough! 8.9/10
33d person to download
@Josepo because he has goggles
@Josepo when ever I hear that I literally get a mini heart attack lol
Can you make a Saab 340 or crj 700
@Aludra877 yes
@Inuyasha8215 I am mustard
You’re back!?
@FirstFish83828 noice
I sniped one out of existence
We cannot see this crap
@llDeadboyll yea, I want that too
@ThatRandomCouchPotato thanks
@ThatRandomCouchPotato I did not do that part
@ThatRandomCouchPotato thanks bro
Credit to original creator
Look at your most recent tank, read my comment
As a German, I respect this
@alexJgameYTukraine000000 What are you saying?
I found a real avro anson wreck in a field
@WINGSIRONOFICIAL @MeekhunSP Why thank you!
“Oh, well that doesn’t fly very well at all”
Whoever narrated that, 2022
Get this featured
@coochtroop check out my latest posts
Lugia in Pokémon violet
First one to comment first, second and third
@Sbevensplanes this plane made the USS beast fly all the way to snowstone, truly a beautiful beast.
747 ultra lite
@Sbevensplanes come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come back!
I might not post for a bit, see you soon.
@rapewa what?
@JJsimple Canada is cool!
Canada 🇨🇦
The current fleet: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/tyxEuc/SP-Aircraft-SP-30-100-Hydrogen-powered-Aircraft-losainair ,
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/9KyfXX/Wingsiron-K-180-losainair-cargo ,
Very impressive! Can you upload the plane
For a beginner it is beautiful, welcome!
@arraibqureshi What?
Well, it flew.