1,832 Amirreza1Ipchi0e5Haq Comments

  • i beg u turn this into a spy car like james bond 3.1 years ago

    Hi, @GRANDAYE! I redesigned your car. It was perfect, but had a few problems which I fixed'em. I also added Rockets & Miniguns to turn it into a Spy-Car. Please check it out & tell me how is it.

  • BT(?) Turret 2.7 years ago

    Do you want to make it auto-lock with guns? If so, you can follow these steps:
    1. Add guns to the turret
    2. Set these properties to the horizontal control:
    Speed: 100%
    Range: 180*
    Input: "(deltaangle(TargetHeading,Heading)/180+rate(deltaangle(TargetHeading,Heading))TargetDistance/180000)clamp01(-Activate8)+Trimclamp01(Activate8)"
    3. Set these properties to the vertical control:
    Speed: 100%
    Range: 90

    input: "((TargetElevation-PitchAngle)/90+rate(TargetElevation-PitchAngle)TargetDistance/90000)clamp01(-Activate7)+VTOL*clamp01(Activate7)"
    Now you can control the vertical turret manually by activating 7 and control the horizontal turret by activating 8. Otherwise they auto-lock on targets.

  • I have the old planes from earlier version of SimplePlanes 3.1 years ago

    Yes @SheriffHackdogMCPE

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 1.4 years ago

    @MrGidor I wasn't using any modded parts...

  • Multiplayer problem 1.7 years ago

    Thanks @TheFlightGuySP

  • Looking for help! [747-100] 1.9 years ago

    No problem! Anyways you can also fix the new problem using trim while flying (You use Android, right? The slider on the right sets the trim.). That's the usage of the trim...

  • Looking for help! [747-100] 1.9 years ago


  • Eurofighter Typhoon (Almost Fixed) 2.9 years ago

    Hi, just set the wings from Symmetric to Semi-Symmetric. That'll help.

  • Nuclear Pack 3.2 years ago

    Well, yes, @Aosullivan799. I increased the Explosion-Rate, but it's a lot (Explosion-Rate the first time I did this was too much that I reached more than 13,000,000ft by just an explosion! I changed it until it looked legit). I also changed the ratio to make it more Nuclear-Appearing.

  • Nuclear Pack 3.2 years ago

    @Aosullivan799 Thanks for liking my creation

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 1.4 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP So you're telling that that Japanese server is back? I was using Rebirth's server for days (and I was the only one joined)!

  • activation group activating at certain inputs 1.4 years ago

    First of all, IAS>=100 is better, since IAS could be 99.5 and the detacher could activate at that airspeed.
    Second, detachers don't accept inputs, but only activation groups. However, they accept conditions in their activation group input (Remember: A condition has a value that's either true or false). For example, you can set the activation group to IAS>=100 and it'll detach the desired object for you at 100m/s IAS.
    I've tried with IAS>=10 and it worked. Hope this works for you too (If not, it's a bug and I can't do anything about it, but you may can).
    Have a nice day!

  • BAI Model 2000 prototype [HELP] 1.4 years ago

    OK @MajGenBlackbird but what about weapons?
    (Note: If your answer is yes, I'll add a lot of weapons, including 90 missiles...)

    (One thing though: I never add HUDs to fighters because I can't, and I don't want to add HUDs created by others. If you really want an HUD, you can request me to use others' HUD)

  • BAI Model 2000 prototype [HELP] 1.4 years ago

    Do you want me to add a cockpit or do you want to add a cockpit on your own?
    (I already solved your problems, including its maneuverability. I've also changed some things)

  • Atlas 1.7 years ago

    Nice tanker

    (By the way, why does it have the AI tanker color scheme? (At first i thought it was a modified version of my tanker))

  • Looking for help! [747-100] 1.9 years ago

    I have 2 tips in order to improve it:
    1. You should add the main wings too.
    2. Don't try to re-scale the wings. Resize them instead.

  • Everyone! I found a backup server! 1.9 years ago

    Of course @CarMakerFry20

  • Everyone! I found a backup server! 1.9 years ago

    @CarMakerFry20 I'm back after a long time

  • New suv Fixed 2.5 years ago

    Click here for the improved suspension

  • Citroën Van 2.6 years ago

    Psst... Looks like the server is down. Join!

  • Orca Gunship v2 2.7 years ago

    @CarMaker20 I'll post the video in google drive and I'll share it

  • Orca Gunship v2 2.7 years ago

    Sure @CarMaker20

  • Dakar T3 Rally Truck 6x6 2.7 years ago


  • Ranger Max 2.7 years ago


  • Dakar T3 Rally Truck 6x6 Bad Suspension 2.7 years ago

    Hi! I just edited the truck and its' suspension is fixed now. You can download it here.


    Have you tried doing this using the mirror tool in the menu-bar, @IndoMaja?


    You can simply use the mirror tool instead of clone tool

  • Can somebody make this thing........ (im sorry) 2.8 years ago

    I just uploaded a ship you can inspire from here

  • Help 2.8 years ago

    Just use the attachment editor. If you don't have one, download as a mod in this website.

  • I give up (can somebody help me continue this) 2.8 years ago

    You can use VTOL Engines

  • XHC-575 (Project Failed) 2.9 years ago

    You can make the wing that holds the engine smaller and set them one block to the back

  • help please 2.9 years ago

    Your welcome @Tugs!

  • help please 2.9 years ago

    Set the rotator input to sum(Pitch) (You'll need overload mod for this) and the speed & range to maximum. By the way, one of the main wheels on the right is connected to the body (And also the right wheel joint). Please disconnect them first and also increase the distance between the wheels & the body. It would be still buggy but at least it moves with Pitch.

  • help 2.9 years ago

    Just try adding fuel to the cone and it'll be stable

  • Making Eclipse-500, HEED A HELP 3.0 years ago

    Cover windows with fuselage parts or make the windows square

  • can somone help me 3.0 years ago

    Put the Control Surface behind Fuselage (Inspired from P-51-D)

  • W38O Hex 3.0 years ago

    Your welcome @Raquaza0071200712

  • W38O "Hex" - Failed Project 3.0 years ago

    Hi, I fixed it.

  • Pro Mod Chevrolet Camaro '69(need help!) 3.0 years ago

    Hi, check this out! Sorry if it looks sketchy.

  • XA-14 (experimental attack aircraft) 3.0 years ago

    Hi! Nice aircraft you got there, but as you said, it needed improvements which I did, and not just Landing-Gears, but also the Cockpit (& the fuel in the wings!). Please tell me how is the improved version.

  • Stingray 3.0 years ago

    Newer version of Stingray coming soon...

  • 1C. RDR2 chassis test 3.0 years ago

    I don't know how to fix this but I know that when you block the way of a rotator, It manages to apply a force that can even tilt superjumbo jets.

  • Orca Gunship 3.0 years ago

    What do you mean @hashbrown6? If it's hard to fly, practice a little with it, you can fly it easily!

  • Please Help Me 3.0 years ago

    You can replace the wheels with a giant landing gear (you'll need Overload for this. Overload is in Mods option)

  • Orca Gunship-prototype 3.0 years ago

    Hi, @Imposmate. I fixed & improved you aircraft. The problem it had was Center of Thrust not centered to Center of Mass which is fixed in the improved version. Please read the tutorial, and also tell me how is the improved one?

  • Gran Galleria Asvini Spy 3.0 years ago

    Thanks @GRANDAYE

  • Gran Galleria Asvini Spy 3.1 years ago

    Bug Found: Left Weapon still has Heading AutoLock even after disabling!
    To fix this:
    1. Hide the left front wheel black cover untill you see the weapons.
    2. Hide all Hinge Rotators and select the remaining Small Rotator.
    3. On Properties window, select Input (Funky Trees).
    4. Change the "Activate7" to "Activate8".

  • Airbus AC450E (read desc) 3.1 years ago

    As the owner of the original version, I want to give some advice on improving the aircraft:

    • You said that your aircraft is imbalanced and it tilts up. I suggest to increase the amount of fuel at the front of the aircraft (Tip: Use the CoL/CoM/CoT indicator to make sure CoM (Center of Mass) is ahead of Landing-Gear as required (use this method on any aircraft)).
    • Let's focus on the cockpit. You see those 4 small gauges in the middle in a row? Those are RPM & Thrust Indicators. Remove the 2 at the end of both sides (Because this is a Dual-Engine Aircraft, not a Quad-Engine) (You'll notice there is an extra gauge with no face on each gauge. That is the Thrust-Indicator. You should delete them on every single gauge because you won't need'em). Then select the Right engine, Click on "Variables Output" Option and name the thrust output "Thrust1". Do the same to the left one and call it "Thrust2". Go to the gauge properties and change the output on every single gauge (which is Funky) from "RPM[Engine Number]/12.5" to "Thrust[EngineNumber]/[X]" (set X to a number and test it so it doesn't "Over-Rotate"). You can use the indicator 7 to make'em more realistic.

    And done...