heyyy bro that's my turret
@SILVERPANZER tutor gmna cara masukin ke konsolnya
saran dari ane sih pergi ke masjid aambil wudhu dan sholat insha Allah itu akan menyejukkan hati
can you upload it without the mod track?
@1VirtualRealityConversion I learned from experience how to make a work with a low number of parts
wahh keren sekali mas brow
@creperdude340 apart from all that "this is just a game" so have fun don't bring politics here
@Panzerwaifu69 cara nya gimna banh?
@LunarEclipseSP you can say I was inspired from that :D
keren banh
@WolfHunter9111 yes maybe in the future I will make it, but not now because I'm busy working
@OrdinaryTankBuilder cara nambahin Poto dan keterangan nya gimana ya,soalnya aku gak paham betul wajar la masih newbie😁
@WolfHunter9111 Danke comrade
@RCompany silahkan
@ProfessionalLander thank you for the input, in the future it will be more improved, don't forget to follow me :)
@StrangeGameAYT no,getmany has a joker in year
@EzaSP99 ini juga mobile friendly lah
kaya kenal hull nya
@JoeHernandez silahkan
@ZVESDA asalnya ane mau di upgrade terus,cuman nanti bakalan nge lag kebanyakan part
mbak puan bangga dengan ini
@Sansi Estoy listo para hacerlo, pero espera unas semanas porque estoy trabajando en el proyecto T90M T90A & cheftein tank
@Yourlocalhuman ya sure, coming soon
@RYAviation maybe you can, but I'll try
@steeltanker131 yang ada malah tank jadul😅😅😅
@SILVERPANZER danke comrade ✋😁
@AZOVSTAL pake gyroscope,liat settingan gyro nya dan rottatornya di tank ane banh
pinjem turret nya banh
@stolterchberg leopard 2PL?
bagus sekali banh
bisa cobra manuver ga banh
izin banh
minjem Hull nya banh
@ZestAircraftIndustries Yes with pleasure
@ZestAircraftIndustries sorry i don't have that
@ZestAircraftIndustries okeyy with pleasure
@Hiimakeplanes edited
@Hiimakeplanes Roll : move Hul Yaw : move turret Trim : move barrel
@Hiimakeplanes the turret is working fine, it's not working from where? can you explain
bagus sekali kawan😁👍
@QOUEIUUR on progres,cuman suka mogok di tengah projects nya,soalnya bingung bikin auto loadernya, tapi sebisa mungkin akan di tuntas kan
@Aarav Sorry Leute, ich bin weder Deutscher noch Chinese. Ich bin nur Indonesia
@sonic1991 cek my profile
heyyy bro that's my turret
+2@SILVERPANZER tutor gmna cara masukin ke konsolnya
+2saran dari ane sih
+2pergi ke masjid aambil wudhu dan sholat insha Allah itu akan menyejukkan hati
can you upload it without the mod track?
+2@1VirtualRealityConversion I learned from experience how to make a work with a low number of parts
+2wahh keren sekali mas brow
+2@creperdude340 apart from all that "this is just a game" so have fun don't bring politics here
+1@Panzerwaifu69 cara nya gimna banh?
+1@LunarEclipseSP you can say I was inspired from that :D
+1keren banh
+1@WolfHunter9111 yes maybe in the future I will make it, but not now because I'm busy working
+1@OrdinaryTankBuilder cara nambahin Poto dan keterangan nya gimana ya,soalnya aku gak paham betul
+1wajar la masih newbie😁
@WolfHunter9111 Danke comrade
+1@RCompany silahkan
+1@ProfessionalLander thank you for the input, in the future it will be more improved, don't forget to follow me :)
+1@StrangeGameAYT no,getmany has a joker in year
@EzaSP99 ini juga mobile friendly lah
kaya kenal hull nya
@JoeHernandez silahkan
@ZVESDA asalnya ane mau di upgrade terus,cuman nanti bakalan nge lag kebanyakan part
mbak puan bangga dengan ini
@Sansi Estoy listo para hacerlo, pero espera unas semanas porque estoy trabajando en el proyecto T90M T90A & cheftein tank
@Yourlocalhuman ya sure, coming soon
@RYAviation maybe you can, but I'll try
@steeltanker131 yang ada malah tank jadul😅😅😅
@SILVERPANZER danke comrade ✋😁
@AZOVSTAL pake gyroscope,liat settingan gyro nya dan rottatornya di tank ane banh
pinjem turret nya banh
@stolterchberg leopard 2PL?
bagus sekali banh
bisa cobra manuver ga banh
izin banh
minjem Hull nya banh
@ZestAircraftIndustries Yes with pleasure
@ZestAircraftIndustries sorry i don't have that
@ZestAircraftIndustries okeyy with pleasure
@Hiimakeplanes edited
Roll : move Hul
Yaw : move turret
Trim : move barrel
@Hiimakeplanes the turret is working fine, it's not working from where? can you explain
bagus sekali kawan😁👍
@QOUEIUUR on progres,cuman suka mogok di tengah projects nya,soalnya bingung bikin auto loadernya,
tapi sebisa mungkin akan di tuntas kan
@Aarav Sorry Leute, ich bin weder Deutscher noch Chinese. Ich bin nur Indonesia
@sonic1991 cek my profile