0 Aquazhang Comments

  • Chengdu J-10A 2.2 years ago

    @SimpleDynamincs And the new lavi's aerodynamic configuration it's quite different from the old one.

  • S-86 R3 2.3 years ago


  • Chengdu J-10A 2.2 years ago

    @SimpleDynamincs That's the old version, it's not the new one.

  • Chengdu J-10A 2.2 years ago

    @SimpleDynamincs Just google it, the first flight of j10 was in March the 23rd, 1998.But the first flight of updated version of lavi which looks like j10 was in 1999, and it takes a aerodynamic configuration that totally different from the old version.

  • Chengdu J-10A 2.2 years ago

    @SimpleDynamincs fun fact lavi was built later than j10.