6,389 Ares26 Comments

  • PC-727 Flaps fixed version 5.2 years ago

    @Mustang51 Thx

  • C-6 3.9 years ago

    Though imma not so sure I understand it right. But it’s really cool and amazing

  • Flying Tow Tractor 5.0 years ago

    Very interesting Haha

  • H-25 Bomber 5.0 years ago

    @ThePlutonium That would certainly be a way. It's just the parts collide mean there must be a flaw in design, and I want to make it more well-designed. As the matter of fact I already solved the problem, it was the "maxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate" was set so highly that the misslile gain a very fast relative velocity before leaving the plane far enough. Thank you for your solution anyway. I will get the new version out soon.

  • H-25 Bomber 5.0 years ago

    What you said is absolutely right. I am still finding ways to solve that. I tried to find out what exactly happened (maybe parts crashing into each others?) before the explosion by slow motion, but it seems in slow-mo that the missiles all seem to launch successfully , it appears the physics in slow motion and fast speed is kind of different from normal speed. Any way I will still be trying to find out the solution. Glad you like it!@ChiChiWerx

  • S-151 “Petrel” Anti-Sub Aircraft 5.2 years ago

    Well,I just retested it in different circumstances, and that didn’t happen. I wonder if u could discrete in what condition did u trigged that.?@Fartspoppop

  • PC-727 Flaps fixed version 5.2 years ago

    @Mustang51 Well I put them there because I first placed a real main wing there to find the balance and then build the detaied wing. But I think what u sayed is correct, Later on I will make a version have that done.

  • PC-727 Airliner 5.2 years ago

    @FlyingHueman Glad u like her.

  • PC-727 Airliner 5.2 years ago

    @Tang0five Thx for the piece of advice, I just did.

  • Shark I Naval Drone 5.3 years ago

    Thx mate. Glad you like it@Wi1dSk7

  • How to reduce drag? 5.3 years ago

    Thx I ‘ll try@CruzerBlade

  • BGM-109 ”Tomahawk“ cruise missile 6.8 years ago

    Ofcouse not.But this is a very early craft of mine, if u need a cruise missile u might want to consider this https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/HI853F/AGM-2500-Silencer

  • “DreamLoader” -2 6.8 years ago

    By Using fuselages to shape the wing and hide the real wings in them.Meanwhile u can also add some details like flaps fairing or so@Jetliner101

  • Blizard-1 7.1 years ago

    Thx Man@Stingray

  • Golden Ice 7.1 years ago

    This is marvelous dude!

  • Strategic nuclear submarine 2 guns 7.6 years ago

    Awesome bro!

  • YX-6B 7.8 years ago

    Thx @BogdanX

  • IJN Shiratsuyu 1936 7.8 years ago


  • YX-5 (Internal magazine+Vector nozzle) 8.1 years ago

    It's anlittle longer than a real life su-27 class jet. Not quietly huge. @MASB29

  • YX-5 (Internal magazine+Vector nozzle) 8.1 years ago

    Haha , mild@LKAF1

  • Light saber (light beam avaliable) 8.1 years ago

    Actually it provide mild thrust, but it push the whole thing down so it doesn't show any effect. @Destroyerz117

  • F-22 8.1 years ago

    Wings are shaped pretty good. However you need to do better on the other parts.