585 Aries21 Comments

  • Magneto Clutch System MK4V7 PINKMAN 10 months ago

    @Mousewithamachinegun123 If I had the ability to spin the flywheel without the vtol engine, efficiencies would sky rocket.

  • Magneto Clutch System MK4V7 PINKMAN 10 months ago

    @Graingy I built this on a iPhone se Gen 3. Once I have access to computer, then I’ll worry about FTL travel and the 5th gear

  • Magneto Clutch System MK4V7 PINKMAN 1.6 years ago

    Next step is to build gear 3/4 and props on the output. This is going on a boat :3

  • Aircraft torrent 8.9 years ago

    @TheJohnnyMan I developed a body for your jump drive but it still loses control in jump mode. The m2 almost has control down on it.