1 AsteroidGaming Comments

  • Alpha Limer 1 0 Niner With missiles 9.5 years ago

    Sorry i forgot to mention that the plane goes faster when the missiles are attached because the engine will be permenantely running. Missiles attached (straight line speed) over 430mph Missiles detached (straight line speed) over 345mph. I will be delighted if anyone could make this plane better and add more missiles. That would involve some serious modifications though. Thanks everyone. Please rate according to your thoughts.

  • Concept Fighter (revised) 10.1 years ago

    @XWING wont go above 807mph WITH everything retracted AND VTOL thrusters on, and then it just disintegrates. I will take your word for it that it is okay on PC cause you seem like a nice guy.

  • Concept Fighter (revised) 10.1 years ago

    @XWING, Thanks, I will.

  • Concept Fighter (revised) 10.1 years ago

    Great plane

  • Concept Fighter (revised) 10.1 years ago

    On Mobile when you use pitch the whole thing disintegrates. Its an awesome plane. plz fix it.