402 Astraxx2020

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joined 3.2 years ago

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Player Biography  

I live on the west coast of Canada.
I make delta-wings often, as I tend to run out of ideas.
I'm a Royal Canadian Sea Cadet.
I use an Apple iMac (24 inch, 2022).
I started playing on computer in August of 2022, but I have played on mobile before and read up on the game, so I am relatively knowledgeable on everything except FT.
I'm an amateur photographer; I use a Canon Rebel T7.
I have two RC cars, a Traxxas (yes that's where my name came from) Slash 2WD and a Tamiya TT-02 1991 Audi V8.
My favourite TV show is the X-Files, especially as it was filmed right in the city where I live :)
White: August 3, 2022
Poo colour: August 15, 2022