0 AverageAviator12 Comments

  • Ragdoll Pilot Woman 1.3 years ago



  • SU-57 'Felon' Update 1.11 2.1 years ago

    SU 57's are so stealthy...even their creators can't find them anymore

  • SU-57 'Felon' Update 1.11 2.1 years ago

    SU 57's are so stealthy...even their creators can't find them anymore

  • VR!Sukhoi Su33 FlankerD 2.1 years ago

    @SlicesBread1928 It's a Tanker. Usually you can find those while flying.

  • GR-NSX 02 ilishí 2.2 years ago

    Dear God, when I thought you couldn't get better as, you are one of the amazing creators out here.... I was wrong...THIS IS AMAZING [Insert excitement]

  • UNSC Halberd-class destroyer II 2.2 years ago

    @XLZ OH, sorry. meant to say Samsung Galaxy S21. I think I put the wrong phone model and was too lazy to edit it. whoops

    Btw, how hard was it to build this very nice ship. I'm guessing like, an hour or so? I got inspired and want to make a ship somewhat similar to yours

  • FNS Glorious - Class Nuclear Aircraft Carrier 2.2 years ago

    I sense epic lore

  • Solus Aegis 2.2 years ago

    @Ephwurd I'm just asking, you don't have to do it but, Could you make a Dreadnought that is similar to this?

  • Solus Aegis 2.2 years ago

    @Unknownguy1210 Dude, 786 parts is considered mobile friendly. unless you have a literal carrot for a phone

  • UNSC PELICAN AT-88 with M12 WARTHOG 2.3 years ago

    Imma be honest with you, this build isn't like a random crappy post someone made in minutes (seen to much of em) this is nice work, I'd give a upvote if I had 30 points.

  • UNSC Halberd-class destroyer II 2.3 years ago

    What's funnier is the fact that my Samsung galaxy 10 can handle the over 1k parts so If your not on the similar phone, than it's most probable you have a potato Nokia brick phone.

  • Baby Yoda 2.3 years ago

    @Spango Meh, it's good to me tbh.

  • Guardian 2.3 years ago

    How the actual heck is this on the star wars tag.....

  • Master Carrots light Sabor 2.3 years ago

    @ThatRandomCarrot We have strayed to far from God

  • Type-3 Chi-nu 2.3 years ago

    This isn't Mobile Friendly. It has so much damn mods. My phone isn't able to download them

  • hms Rodney 2.3 years ago

    Well done, however the HMS Rodney did have 3 barreled 16 inch guns. I really do hate the real life design, as it looks like someone chopped a warship in half. However like most battleships, the Rodney's 16 inch guns were huge. The control tower was flanked by a couple 6 inch secondary guns. I think you could make this
    Happen, cause your HMS Rodney model is extremely better than others.