Its been a month since the last update but its here finally, i hope i can add abit more detail but its practically finished, anywho ill see you when i see you fellas!
(P.S, T for tag as always!)
Oh yeah i also serves as a teaser for a new heavy airship hunter (fictional aircraft class) im making,t for tag as always, it probably wont have a cockpit though, i say probably cause i might do that
One little note cause i removed the first one by accident trying to edit it, this ship can now reach 200MPH even though it was originally 160,i dont know why or how, but it probably has something to do with scaling it up, and another smaller note, i forgot to up the health of all the engines connection bars to the main hull so only one is actually armored, ik it feels so rushed but in reality i just forgot alot of things or thought i'd already done them
@TheHaggisBasher i might and probably will make a more mobile friendly version but i dunno how many parts i can cut off before it starts looking worse than normal
New project, i actually feel like its abit shorter than what i want it to be so it might look abit different when i upload it, T for tag as always
Planned to have
- 6 bofors 3 inch cannons,
- 4 main turrets
- 4 AA turrets
@Nerfaddict oh oh i got an idea, if its going forward, lets say it uses pitch, pitch up tilts the downforce forward, pitch down and the downforce tilts back, might not work but aye its worth a try
@Questery thank you! Without sams help it wouldnt have been so beautiful! So you should really be thanking sam for any beauty you find in the paint scheme
Now that I see everyone else's entries I feel like mine is out of place cause it's a world war two prop driven aircraft and then everyone else built jets :(
Preview/showcase of my new challenge entry for Walvis medium bomber challenge,still gotta tweak a few stuff but other than that it's basically finished
Here,sorry it's so rushed everyone! I just started a new project for Walvis medium bomber challenge and Ill talk more about that later,have fun! Oh and landing/takeoff procedure pops up in the aircraft manual thingy
"WW1-WW2 era ace combat" oddly enough I actually made a WW1 era version of cipher,but since my old phone is kinda broke I cant get it to upload it,just kinda thought to mention it
@Hammersmith alrighty! All we ask of you is your discord tag (I.E name # numbertag) and we'll invite you to the group! We do occasionally call in the group chat,but if you dont want to call that is fine! We hope you the very best
Awsome stuff! Its a big heavy truck and i approve,side note,would you like to join a small community me and my friends are building? Its a community that consists of simpleplanes players but the bad things is the occasional arguments,other than that we're a pretty chill group,we'd love to have you in our community!-from,AF109
Very late but i just realized i hadn't upvoted it,anywho its now just a ship
@LarryTad tysm!
Ello! Can i use this in a build? Ill give credit ofcourse to both you and Avalon industries
This post is 4 months old but i forgot to add the fact that this thing has 2 easter eggs somewhere on it,anywho thats all i wanted to add
Its been a month since the last update but its here finally, i hope i can add abit more detail but its practically finished, anywho ill see you when i see you fellas!
(P.S, T for tag as always!)
Doesnt even look like simpleplanes anymore
Also T
Oh yeah i also serves as a teaser for a new heavy airship hunter (fictional aircraft class) im making,t for tag as always, it probably wont have a cockpit though, i say probably cause i might do that
Got bored, posed with the holy lyre, made it into side story for my little dieselpunk-ish universe
@Lachlan2240 alr
@Lachlan2240 near the superstructure look around inside and under of it to find the yaw gyro
@Lachlan2240 id love to see that, it would be cool if you kept its size to an actual destroyers size, it would only make sense
One little note cause i removed the first one by accident trying to edit it, this ship can now reach 200MPH even though it was originally 160,i dont know why or how, but it probably has something to do with scaling it up, and another smaller note, i forgot to up the health of all the engines connection bars to the main hull so only one is actually armored, ik it feels so rushed but in reality i just forgot alot of things or thought i'd already done them
@Tsuchiisan no prob, besides its a cool ship, really fun to do close fly bys near it when im in a fighter and a great airship to test things out on
@TheHaggisBasher i might and probably will make a more mobile friendly version but i dunno how many parts i can cut off before it starts looking worse than normal
New project, i actually feel like its abit shorter than what i want it to be so it might look abit different when i upload it, T for tag as always
Planned to have
- 6 bofors 3 inch cannons,
- 4 main turrets
- 4 AA turrets
I just now noticed that the bottom pic is a refrence to one of the scenes from the anime where erica is carried by her sister ursula, wow.
Thats......thats my discord name
Ten months later and we now have ingame zoom, sick
Have a tip for when building seaplanes:disable the drag of anything thats in or under the water,it slows down your aircraft and doesnt let it takeoff
@Nerfaddict thanks,that would probably work, im not really that smart about funky trees so im unsure if it would
@Nerfaddict oh oh i got an idea, if its going forward, lets say it uses pitch, pitch up tilts the downforce forward, pitch down and the downforce tilts back, might not work but aye its worth a try
@Lerkov1991 ah right,sorry for forgetting im not very skilled at building helis
Dont mind if i join,im bored and might aswell
Please teach me your tank building ways
Somehow forgot the tags
@Questery thank you! Without sams help it wouldnt have been so beautiful! So you should really be thanking sam for any beauty you find in the paint scheme
Am i the only one who thought this was gonna be a sort of f-82 kinda build
Insert kiras theme
Nice concept! I love how it looks too! Mind if i remake it in my own style? Ill name it in the same name and credit you for it
@KfcGaming mmmmmmmmm I'm listening
scoliosis plane
@ShocK69 thanks dude!
Now that I see everyone else's entries I feel like mine is out of place cause it's a world war two prop driven aircraft and then everyone else built jets :(
Here you go @AviationCat007
Preview/showcase of my new challenge entry for Walvis medium bomber challenge,still gotta tweak a few stuff but other than that it's basically finished
@CDBC thank you dude!
I just realized most of the people here that upvoted are people that inspired me to get onto the website to begin with,woah
@JuanShot2Go thank you!
Here,sorry it's so rushed everyone! I just started a new project for Walvis medium bomber challenge and Ill talk more about that later,have fun! Oh and landing/takeoff procedure pops up in the aircraft manual thingy
@X99STRIKER how bout what? Like how it flies? Cause I mean I'll tell you
"WW1-WW2 era ace combat" oddly enough I actually made a WW1 era version of cipher,but since my old phone is kinda broke I cant get it to upload it,just kinda thought to mention it
Mine's N1k#3908
@Hammersmith alrighty! All we ask of you is your discord tag (I.E name # numbertag) and we'll invite you to the group! We do occasionally call in the group chat,but if you dont want to call that is fine! We hope you the very best
Awsome stuff! Its a big heavy truck and i approve,side note,would you like to join a small community me and my friends are building? Its a community that consists of simpleplanes players but the bad things is the occasional arguments,other than that we're a pretty chill group,we'd love to have you in our community!-from,AF109