@AgDynamics I think that XML Modding is kind of justified because in real life you don't need to add all that weight just for detail, so XML modding an engine for more power or modding a fuel tank for more fuel is not so cheaty.
To find the latest version go [here](https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/36kA9m/International-SimplePlanes-Space-Station-with-all-CURRENT-modules
Check my profile for the new updates as I do not have the time to tell everyone about the newest version.
@Dimetrodonscantfly Do you know anyone that has PC?
@Sunnyskies Well, they would be so bored that they blew up...
@Sunnyskies If you set the time between bursts to 1000000000000000 centuries then it would be pretty realistic
@FennVectorCWA it's not a building.
@Ihatelava123 Thanks!!
@FennVectorCWA Thanks!!
@Mudkip Oh
@WEAPONSMITH my device can't do it anymore. @GlitchyNumberFive is in charge of putting new modules.
@RedstoneAeroAviation okay....
@Ichko Thanks!!
@SirBalistic321 Thanks!!
@Ihatelava123 Thanks...?
@Ihatelava123isacommunist I went to the gulag because of that...
Nice. Build me a MK II cockpit from ksp
@HSAreoWerekers1 Thanks!!
@Mudkip um, I think it actually has a new module...
@FemmVectorCWA Thanks!!
@JacobHardy64 Thanks!!
@MadBomber Thanks!!
@Tully2001 Thanks!!
@BogdanX Thanks...
@BogdanX I was in a hurry to build a new secret project so I wrapped this up. I spent like 10 minutes testing. Sorry 'bout that
@Dimetrodonscantfly ask @GlitchyNumberFive, his device can do it, but mine can't.
Your device must be amazing!
@06020824 Thanks!!
@AgDynamics I think that XML Modding is kind of justified because in real life you don't need to add all that weight just for detail, so XML modding an engine for more power or modding a fuel tank for more fuel is not so cheaty.
@SemedianIndustries hope you get there soon too
@Ihatelava123isacommunist look Hitler is mad
@Ihatelava123isacommunist you've got to look at this
@Ihatelava123isacommunist Yes, everything is better with a touch of communism.
@GlitchyNumberFive THANKS SO MUCH
@Orangeillini88 well, no, my mobile device can't handle it. So sad...
@TheNonns My mobile device can't handle it. SOOOOORRRRRRYYY
@GlitchyNumberFive Can you fit them? I am so sorry, but my device can't handle it.
@Mudkip well, this is a public space station anyone can put anything on it,
@Supercraft888 find your version here
@LiamW Thanks!!
To find the latest version go [here](https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/36kA9m/International-SimplePlanes-Space-Station-with-all-CURRENT-modules
Check my profile for the new updates as I do not have the time to tell everyone about the newest version.
@Smasher find the newest version here
@arcues find the newest version here
@arcues we can always have more than one of anything...
@Smasher would be great for nighttime where there is no solar power
@Smasher sure!!
@joeysellers lol
@TrainDude great!
@GrimMantis it's the aroura from subnautica
@oDDDynamics Thanks!!