@Kerbango my volume was at max and I clicked on this in my Spanish class just now. Thank god I have an AirPod in my ear and I wasn’t jumpscared by the volume
@Christiant2 erm, actually! 🤓👆I would like to object. You see, if you actually tried out my aircraft you would notice the 2 cannons equipped. Please excuse me as I allow you to see their firepower. Lol
@Mousewithamachinegun122 ikr
@Mousewithamachinegun122 i found another, i tagged u
@Mousewithamachinegun122 Lol
@Mouseiwthamachnegun122 check the desc, the real “stupid plane” (its great tho ngl)
@Mousewithamachinegun122 that’s cool and all, but i found this
+1@Kerbango my volume was at max and I clicked on this in my Spanish class just now. Thank god I have an AirPod in my ear and I wasn’t jumpscared by the volume
+1@PrussianAirlines @Wolfy26 Lol
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 I can’t spotlight tho
+1@screechy I’m abt to begin work on the ESPH4 today, ill post it unlisted and well add on from there
I can finally spotlight someone with 16k! >:D
Italian le fishe au chocolat
Peter gripen
However I am currently sending a tactical nuclear ICBM to Baltimore as you have leaked a key point of contact between u and your grandparents.
+1Tag me in the final post
@Wolfy26 @GuardianAerospace @PrussianAirlines Lol
@PrussianAirlines @Wolfy26 Lol (continue the chain, keep saying Lol)
+1@Wolfy26 however you broke my mewing streak!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡🥸🥸😜🧐🤩 observe mortal! 🤫🧏♂️
+1@Wolfy26 huzzah! For i am the one champion! 🤓👆
+1@Wolfy26 you can use it
+1@Wolfy26 you have been,
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 fr fr no cap poggers
@Christiant2 erm, actually! 🤓👆I would like to object. You see, if you actually tried out my aircraft you would notice the 2 cannons equipped. Please excuse me as I allow you to see their firepower. Lol
@AeroCheese or as a toothbrush bristle
@Christiant2 >:O
@PrussianAirlines no, that’s the 757. This my friend, is a certified toothpick
@Soupra #Peak performance as well
+1@Soupra i tried adding (almost) zero mass but you had to get a fraction of 0% throttle to be able to fly smoothly. And that was at 20mph
+1Tail strike? What’s that?
I have defeated @Christiant2 Killcat
@LOGANP117withmachinegun yea me neither
@Hahahahaahahshs Lol (Gotta be browsing the jet stream every couple of minutes)
Make a second called the KitKat! >:)
@MrSilverWolf dont worry I didn’t even notice that
+1@TheAirAndCargoCorporation 😡😡😡😡😡😡I WANT THEM ON THE NEXT AIRCRAFT👹👹👹
@TheAirAndCargoCorporation how sad, I WANTED WINDOWS!!!!!!!
@LOGANP117withmachinegun yea i just meant on the site. MrSilverWolf removed the memorial bcs I can’t have memorials as aircraft posts for some rsn
No cabin windows? 😔🧐😢
@MrSilverWolf ok i understand, Thank you for your condolence to my pet though
Nice job!
F80 lookin ahh
+2@LOGANP117withmachinegun it sounds pretty emotionally suppressing and damaging. If it cheers u up I can be a friend?
@LOGANP117withmachinegun shoes are more important? What world is that kid living in?
Happy late birthday! I would’ve seen this post yesterday if I didn’t have potato wifi
+1@Metalpipe223 thank you
RIP max
@LOGANP117withmachinegun im still sorry if i did anything that upset u