1,716 BaltazarLuciferis

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joined 3.8 years ago

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I'm a proud member of this creative family. I learned a lot since I join this community and I gently invite you to try my planes, this game, the whole experience. This profile works like a advertising hall for my garage, but all vehicles are free! Just choose your favorite and go!

My "thing" is to create fictional, functional and realistic models based on stuff I go through the day or anything related. I was raised in the countryside, in front of my family's farm was a dirt road, crossing the road I could watch the planes landing and taking off in a gravel track and I could literally sit there until the night comes and mom would call me inside.

I'm 29 now and I'm a musician, who writes a lot and a addicted gamer too. You are now entering one part of my creativity that has been locked for almost 15 years now. Let's just say that for my traditional catholic family, science was not a great deal (at least for those who wanna be "saved") and it took some time to understand that my dreams were worthy of my time.

I'll take some of your time to introduce some of my fellas, they have genious minds and some awesome creations that inspired me (and keep me inspired) to stay here and be a part of this team!

https://www.simpleplanes.com/u/BSKPlays2009 @BSKPlays2009
Creativity and precision. They look like they fly, marvelous.

https://www.simpleplanes.com/u/Sergio666 @Sergio666
Precision in cockpits and mathematical artwork. Wonderful designer.

https://www.simpleplanes.com/u/fleia262 @fleia262
Wanna huge stuff? Here's huge stuff. Everything looks like a dream.

https://www.simpleplanes.com/u/Wibbley @Wibbley
Speaking about dreams, does anyone asked for state of art machinery with hollywoodian design? Wibbley got your back!

https://www.simpleplanes.com/u/ReturningShu @ReturningShu
Replicas ready for war. Destructive machines with incredible historic precision and trust me, he's not a weeb. He's just alive and has a genious mind!