540 BattleShipHatePlane Comments

  • car engine aircraft v6 2.6 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor It's a collision, or a reaction force, etc., but what is certain is that he can take off without using the rotor, which is different from the original idea of ​​using friction to drive the rotor and make the plane move forward.

  • hv bomber b-17 copy 3.8 years ago

    @Shootlegger Yes, but because of my limited ability, I can’t replicate it perfectly, but have fun

  • Zero(A6m2 b) better of the before 4.8 years ago

    But I went back to check now and found that the original zero fighter has a full weight of 2674KG but an empty weight of only 1640KG ... (I will change it when I have time)

  • super huge_airdrop tybe 4.9 years ago

    @Brendorkus yeah,maybe.

  • USS Beast Controller 4.9 years ago

    Wonderful and amazing

  • Mk 2 4.9 years ago

    Cool, but the off-road capability of this tank is not very good, but I happen to have a way to solve this problem. Change it later and upload.@Night6gamer

  • SIMPLE DD SHIP 5.0 years ago

    Number 8 is have control all of control turn and engine.

  • small Aircraft 5.0 years ago

    About this plane I is number one can open all about it control

  • super huge bomber Aircraft 5.0 years ago

    I don't know how to change my tips.but I think I need to say about my plane.
    Number 8:can control your engine lock or control it %.
    Trim just can control your Flaps(in your fourth,let you can fly in on low speed or low ft)

    That's all,thinks your for downloading.