270 BenTheGreat97 Comments

  • F-14 Tomcat - SR 8.2 years ago

    Damn, this has got to be the best Tomcat model on the website!

  • F-14 Tomcat 8.2 years ago

    Absolutely amazing, best Tomcat model yet. Flies great, looks great and you had an impressive attention to detail (glove vanes? seriously?!?!?). I wish I could get my Tomcat to this level, but I can never manage to get the wings to clip into the fuselage sections.

  • FA-18C Hornet (Read description) 8.3 years ago

    @MiniHamm It's not a super Hornet, it's the F-18C. Super Hornets are the E/F/G variants.

  • F-14D Tomcat VX-4 8.3 years ago

    @maverickvii Sorry I meant to say the "engine" aka the fuselage part that makes it look like the real life engine tubes. On simple planes it's a fuselage part. I've never managed to get it to not collide.

  • F-14D Tomcat VX-4 8.3 years ago

    @maverickvii Great plane, how did you get the wings to clip into the fuselage parts? I keep trying to get my F-14 to work like this but it always collides with my engines.

    For the ones I've made, I had to get the wings to go overtop of the engines and it doesn't look realistic (my F-14D model if you want to download it and see what I mean).

    Thanks in advance

  • Boeing 757-300 8.5 years ago

    Nice plane, when's the high detail version coming out? :D

  • Update v1.5.3 8.5 years ago

    Are catapult launches, tailhooks and arrestor gear coming in a future update?

  • CF-XX Super Arrow 8.9 years ago

    Great plane! Flies great, has lots of fuel and still handles very good at low approach speeds. The only modifications I made to it was moving the landing gear closer to the middle (still behind center of gravity) so that is lifts off closer to 200 mph instead of ~350mph

  • A a 9.0 years ago

    The design is far from perfect but it has good potential. Looks like a twin-engine F-35?

    The pitching and yawing can be fixed by at least doubling the sizes of the rudders and horizontal stabilizers, and quadrupling the elevator size.

    The ailerons also need to be moved as close to the outside edge of the wing as possible to increase effectiveness.

    These were the quick modifications I made to the design in my editor and it flew much better after that. Also, the main wings could be changed to flat bottom and the horizontal stabilizer to semi-symmetrical to increase lift