45 BenjisPlanes Comments

  • ||| DEVS ||| Mods for ios 6.7 years ago

    It’s because IOS use a different code script than other devices (Samsung,Sony etc.) this gives them the ability to be more secure and edvanced. It has many benefits but part of the security is hacks and virus’s. Mods can have virus’s encrypted into them so therefore apple phones do not risk. Apple computers can download them because of yet again a different script. I myself do have an iPhone and an Imac. They are faster processing but pricey. Agree it would be good if you could get mods for IOS. I have friends who have mods on android and it just makes them glitchy and crash.

  • Crazy 6.2 years ago

    @Smasher8ball ah yes, thanks for the template, life saver!

  • Shanghai Metro Line 2 6.6 years ago

    Let’s go!

  • Fidget UFO 6.7 years ago

    @FasterThanLight oh

  • Fidget UFO 6.7 years ago

    @TURKPLANE thanks, do you have anything you would like built?