442 BigmacBaggins123 Comments

  • Douglas C-47 Dakota 3.7 years ago

    Overall, I think it’s a great plane, but I did notice one problem though. Whenever I’m flying level while deploying the crate, it strikes the tail and the whole plane blows up.

  • WW2 Japanese Dive Bomber 4.3 years ago

    Thanks, good job making the plane body itself.

  • GA-19 jet fighter 6.2 years ago

    Thx at first I thought something was stuck so I removed the joystick and that fixed it.

  • Cargo Jet 4.1 years ago

    It’s trash I know

  • Mini MiG-29 RC 4.2 years ago

    Looks like one of those foam planes you’d buy at the dollar store

  • Modern Fighter Challenge 4.2 years ago

    So considering that only know how to upload builds, I’m gonna go ahead and state the winner of the challenge.

    NexusGaming is the current winner of the competition with his Wildebeast as it fits all criteria, and performs really well for other things that aren’t guidelines for this challenge

    Congratulations to all people who participated an a thank you for helping me get to know the ‘challenge’ part of simpleplanes. I may do more of these in the future.

    I’ve decided that I will award the winner by upvoting the winning design, and probably a few more builds that I like.

  • Modern Fighter Challenge 4.3 years ago

    Idk there was a lot of things I forgot to include in the description but considering that I’m pretty new to the challenge thing, I’m still trying to think of one.

  • GA-24 Experimental Bomber 4.3 years ago

    Why do 17 people even think that this is worth downloading

  • Modern Fighter Challenge 4.3 years ago

    @NexusGaming it does not require missiles, although I would prefer it to. As long as it has anti air capabilities, even if just a few wing guns, and follows all of the other rules, then I will accept it.

  • Modern Fighter Challenge 4.3 years ago

    @Demonwolf580 I would say no mods as I am on iPhone and can’t test the aircraft if mods are included. XML and overload are allowed.

  • Modern Fighter Challenge 4.3 years ago

    @NexusGaming Alright

  • Modern Fighter Challenge 4.3 years ago

    @RedFox65 if it follows all of the rules, and is a realistic design, then yes.

  • Embo E234 4.3 years ago

    This car is pretty epic ngl

  • WW2 US Torpedo Bomber 4.3 years ago

    Alright, I’ll keep that in mind for future builds

  • GA 26 Jet Fighter 4.3 years ago

    I now just realized how trashy this plane looks

  • WW2 Japanese Dive Bomber 4.3 years ago


  • Uh oh flag 4.3 years ago

    That’s pretty epic

  • GA-24 Experimental Bomber 4.3 years ago

    Accidentally uploaded this thing twice, just to clear things up if anyone’s confused

  • Uh oh flag 4.3 years ago

    Rip I didn’t read the desc. of the challenge, Just saw it and went for it.
    Oh well, guess people could use it on some German ship or plane or something.

  • Rocket Tray 4.3 years ago

    Your not wrong

  • Flying boom 4.3 years ago

    I would try to take some pics of it in action, but I don’t really know how to do that, which isn’t too epic.

  • yo this bomber sus 4.3 years ago

    I love this but hate it at the same time

  • Discount M110 4.3 years ago

    It the first one I have made. Its kinda trash, but I hope to make more in the future.

  • Hand sanitizer on crack 5.0 years ago

    I don’t even know why 33 people would download this

  • What have I done 6.2 years ago

    If u want to check out some of my creations on my profile page then feel free to.

  • Police car 6.2 years ago

    Nice one. Do u enjoy it?

  • What have I done 6.2 years ago

    I tried it, and I was laughing so hard when I realized what it was. Great build though.

  • Squadron 6.2 years ago

    If there is any bugs let me know