30 BlackNBoom Comments

  • fw ta 283 1.5 years ago

    Guns sure are OP. One 0.1 second burst and the beast is history.

  • Sänger Amerika Bomber "SilverBird" 1.5 years ago

    You may want to shorten the wings and rudders a bit and sweep them back slight for better stability!

  • Messerschmitt Me. 262 HG III 1.5 years ago

    Looks like a bygone era F-117A Nighthawk.

  • 3x1000 Bomber (Fictional) 1.5 years ago

    It's 1,000 kilograms.

  • 3x1000 challenge 1.5 years ago

    Actually it's 1,000 kilos, 1,000 kilometers per hour, and 1,000 kilometer range. Swap it to imperial system it'd be 621.

  • OceanGate(Titan sightseeing submarine) 1.6 years ago

    No disrespect to the victims or the victims' families but the blame goes to the company who made this tragedy a reality. They KNEW this major design flaw would fail but they sent them down there anyway.

  • F-35 2.8 2.0 years ago

    This is the F-35C because it has a tail arrest hook.

  • Heinkel He-274 2.3 years ago

    Why should you bother trying to interceptor this when no American fighter could climb up to catch it? (Approximately 46,000 feet no damn for a big plane with no jet engines!)

  • Henschel Hs.740 Dosenöffner 3.1 years ago

    So this is what Luftwaffe panzer-knackers would've of looked like if they keep evolving to the present? It would be one heck of a cage match with the A-10 Thunderbolt II.

  • Saab JAS 39 Gripen E 3.3 years ago

    This is a spectacular aircraft and fighter but the gun is OP like launching freight trains or such.

  • MQ-9 Reaper with Remote Camera Ops 3.3 years ago

    If you get rid of the crooked landing gear and spawn in the air then it’s okay.

  • no collision items 3.6 years ago

    You forgot the cannon

  • Horten Ho-229V 3.8 years ago

    I see this is pretty much the only craft capable of meeting the RLM's 1000x1000x1000 requirement (1,000 kg bombload, 1,000 km range, 1,000 kph top speed).

  • Messerschmitt Me.334 3.9 years ago

    You forgot the landing gear. I can't my own because the rudder is too low to the ground. Other agility is superb.

  • Rocket Bomb Catapult 4.0 years ago

    I made it for fun when I bought SimplePlanes you basically go 10,000 feet or high in the air. Just fire the rocket and lift off. @Dhanush12345559

  • Giant Cannon 4.0 years ago

    It's up :) @Dhanush12345559

  • Giant Cannon 4.0 years ago

    Thanks for liking my first post, the next one will be a rocket catapult @Dhanush12345559

  • Blohm & Voss P.189-C Amerika Bomber 5.6 years ago

    It's a WW2 B-52.