8,762 BlunderBirb Comments

  • Mitsubishi KI.46 III Type 100 "Dinah" 4.8 years ago

    @NightmareCorporation Technically, this is a porsche then eh?

  • Mitsubishi KI.46 III Type 100 "Dinah" 4.8 years ago


  • Mitsubishi KI.46 III Type 100 "Dinah" 4.8 years ago


  • Mitsubishi KI.46 III Type 100 "Dinah" 4.8 years ago


  • Azalea 4.8 years ago

    well done.

  • Guess the plane (teaser) 4.8 years ago

    @Bobofboblandia @BlackhattAircraft @BALLSAircrafts yep yep yep.Thats a KI-46 III Dinah

  • Stop using other languages for insulting people. 4.8 years ago

    @UFNNICF5TF I dont think you can dictate how I speak just cause you dont like it but sure. I ll leave.

  • USAF A8 Shepherd 4.8 years ago

    @Keesler thanks but I doubt it. fictional planes dont do very well in terms of upvotes.

  • The Rising Sun - A SimplePlanes Cinematic 4.8 years ago

    @AerofyI tried to do plane to plane shots, but its a bit hard to control and I ll have to experement a bit but that break away flair shot was a plane to plane shot. And most of the chase cam or orbit cam footages here are fov adjusted.

  • The Rising Sun - A SimplePlanes Cinematic 4.8 years ago

    @TheSolarFlare @KrAkenAtomic Thanks Dudes :D

  • GIS Mods now ported for Android 1.9! 4.8 years ago

    @232287168147825 not help I know how to install a mod, I am asking how is it now possible to install mods on android again? what changed? didnt they remove mod support in 1.9?

  • [TEASER] Sir, the wings are placed backwards! 4.8 years ago

    I ll give you doge points if you manage to make it super unstable and then use a crap ton of funky trees to make it stable again.
    also T

  • Why does no one use emojis? 4.8 years ago

    o h n o

    w h a t h a v e y o u d o n e

  • Tea's almost done! 4.8 years ago

    The amount of detail this has is wrinkling my brain

  • test1_controlsurfaces.gif 4.8 years ago

    @FatEgg inspired from that, yeah, thats a beautiful plane. This one is a fictional concept, what if xp 55 was re devoloped in the early jet ages cause it already had a swept wing & rear powerplant design

  • Frustrated 4.8 years ago

    @Aerofy no matter how much effort you had put into designing a plane realistically, a low effort P51 replica or any other replica with much less detail will get more upvotes. Unless you are a platinum user with a large follower base, in which case you can build whatever you like and not worry about the post getting burried

  • I am going in the logo business [Teaser] 4.8 years ago

    scp logo is the easiest one of em. you didnt even draw the outer ring.

  • Tengrisaurus The Comminist 4.8 years ago

    5/10 not enough ushankas

  • So What you guys think of my B-29 Enola Homosexual 5.1 years ago

    Enola happy noises

  • Surprised how much better I am at building 5.1 years ago

    This is really cool. Well done :D

  • How to win airplane tournaments 5.1 years ago

    @xiaofootball The glitch planes kinda defeated the whole purpose of a tournament redo. The first one was crashed multiple times where we used glitches for the sake of being competitive and it was extremely unfair. But then when the time came for a redo, the general idea was to avoid using glitches and do a proper and fair competition. The people that are currently being "salty" had the faster planes the first tournament and would have been able to fix the stability issues within a week. The main argument here is why should the rotors be allowed when the airbrakes arent. Cause it breaks the stream? well we can make sure that it doesnt now cause we know how to fix it now.

  • Propeller engines in SP are sluggish as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu dge 5.1 years ago

    Just use fixed pitch at around 80% or whatever the lowest stable pitch is without a throttle governer. It reduces the spool up drastically. Manual pitch control works aswell around that same logic, just use throttle in the input of propeller pitch control in that case

  • Fix this in Android 5.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii If someone wants to upload something inappropriate, they are gonna find a way. Not to mention you can pretty easily downgrade to 1.8 on mobile. Plus, the feature was there for a long time, I dont recall a case of abuse. And if even someone does abuse it, its not like they can spam it, 3 posts a day rule is there, and there are enough mods to easily take care of something like this.

  • nothing is confirmed 5.1 years ago

    new wheel designs and types of vehicle engines.

  • Peppa 'Turbohead' Pig 5.1 years ago

    Everyone gangsta til the antilag kicks in.

  • Shark Tooth REDO! 5.1 years ago

    @Baldovino T3000 based models are a pain in the ass to work with. its really hard to get a T3000 based one to get to the desired 1.7:1 power to weight ratio and still be agile enough. I think most legit design are gonna be based on T1000

  • Shark Tooth Working (0:46) 5.1 years ago

    Goddamn this things a masterpiece.

  • Sharktooth showoff 5.1 years ago

    @WaffleCakes Bruh sound effect #2

  • Shark Tooth 5.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii I wonder if thats actually legal or not, although you probably shouldn't have said anything cause now everyone will be going mach 3

  • Specific inputs 5.3 years ago

    @spefyjerbf thanks a ton.

  • BAC-198 Scattered Wings 5.3 years ago

    Sure, but w h y

  • X - SL160 5.4 years ago

    @Mustang51 Thanks a lot dude :D

  • X - SL160 5.4 years ago

    @TitanIncorporated @Tums @Diloph Thanks a ton :D

  • Teaser/Update: Project UL-STOL 5.5 years ago

    @Chancey21 I doubt that there is a plane like this in real life tho. I am basing this off of a drawing I made in a boring class, there arent really any real life versions of this.

  • Teaser/Update: Project UL-STOL 5.5 years ago

    @Chancey21 yeah the tail side looks bit short. I ll have to work on that next

  • Bit of a pickle 5.6 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii @Sm10684 well, okay then.

  • X -GHOST 5.6 years ago

    @AxHellino Its a bit of a lengthy process to explain

  • X -GHOST 5.6 years ago

    @Griffinthedragon lemme pull out my 3d printer

  • X -GHOST 5.6 years ago

    @KiVZ Thanks and its easy just upload your image to imgur.com and write the image's link down in the description like this ![](http://i.imgur.com/imagelink.jpg)
    Make sure its http and not https and remember to add the .jpg at the end

  • Teaser #2: GN Jap Inspired 5.7 years ago

    @InternationalAircraftCompany c a n t a r g u e w i t h t h a t
    y o u r w i s h i s m y c o m m a n d

  • Teaser #2: GN Jap Inspired 5.7 years ago

    no, I dont think I ll

  • Teaser #2: GN Jap Inspired 5.7 years ago

    @TitanIncorporated Pre world war era race cars rarely had windscreens lol.

  • 1978-container liner 5.8 years ago

    What went wrong the first time lol?

  • A new day a new idea! 5.8 years ago

    @DarDragon yeah, thats pretty funny

  • Vil AH-7.2 wither 5.8 years ago

    This looks pretty awsome man. Keep it up!!

  • '62 Chevy C10 5.8 years ago

    @Abhishek700 @EliteArsenals24 Thanks dudes =D

  • Does anyone else see aircraft that they didn’t spawn 5.8 years ago

    @Firesheild both probably, unless you have a plane made of bricks I guess. Just go to game options and set the Air Traffic to none if you dont want them

  • '62 Chevy C10 5.8 years ago

    @Abhishek700 I cant take the credit for that lol.

  • MiG ZiS 5.8 years ago

    We need an adidas livery for this chief, Or else the gulag waits for you.

  • Pick a color 5.8 years ago

    @Mmdben Thanks a lot, the website will help me out quite a bit
