@Tacocat16 since you were the only challenge entry, you won five upvotes. Your plane is pretty decent for a low part build, but the high speed made your plane jitter, and turnrate was bad. But the plane was still noice.
@FalconGT12 its in my posts should be one of my highlighted if not gk to my profile and look for the name of the other one with the same plane but not shiny
@Chancey21 nuuuuu
@Chancey21 wat
@Kerbango @Chancey21 @AircroftDesigin @getorge @DemonSniper8 @OC3LOT1142 @DPSAircraftManufacturer
@Minecraftpoweer okie
@ChaMikey np
@Kerbango @Chancey21 @AircroftDesigin @getorge @DemonSniper8 @OC3LOT1142 @DPSAircraftManufacturer
@ChaMikey please make a t90 or t14 armata they are mostly symetrical im pretty sure
@LiamW bruh i forgot the difference between an f1 racer and a buggy XD
@TrainDude but i need grip tho
@TrainDude okie
@Tacocat16 since you were the only challenge entry, you won five upvotes. Your plane is pretty decent for a low part build, but the high speed made your plane jitter, and turnrate was bad. But the plane was still noice.
@randomusername oker doker thanksu
@JetFly phug
disableAircraftCollision. set it to true for every part of your gear using overload.
@Kerbango @Chancey21 @AircroftDesigin @getorge @DemonSniper8 @OC3LOT1142 @DPSAircraftManufacturer
@DemonSniper8 okie
make plane lighter because weight presses on wings during turns so less weight equals less centrifugal force. is only a theory tho, not a physicist.
@RodWan i will try
@RodWan ooh featured
@DemonSniper8 what is rwd
@TheDerpingMemes it was Tu 95
@AdlerSteiner idk
@jamesPLANESii @Boatrider ookie
sorry everyone
@AdlerSteiner ik boiiii XD
@AdlerSteiner wat i didnt get ur first sentence
@PilotOfFuture thanks
@jamesPLANESii can it be done on mobile tho
@DemonSniper8 very nice!
@tsampoy thanku
@AWESOMENESS360 thanku alsu
@Mostly thankuuuu
@Billythekidusa04 ok
@F1sh ik that viddddd!
@F1sh u will
@PilotOfFuture https://pasteboard.co/HygdIJT.jpg
@PilotOfFuture one sec
@F1sh thanks
@Delta74 thanku
@Oski can i do it without imgur
@StarKnight697 ik that but how do i get the png or jpeg file
@RailfanEthan thankyou
@Gestour dammit
@FalconGT12 alright
@Rodrigo110 i can. i have fine tuner, overload, and a bunch of others
@FalconGT12 its in my posts should be one of my highlighted if not gk to my profile and look for the name of the other one with the same plane but not shiny
@Delphinos thanks for the follow