75 BobTheModder Comments

  • F1 car MKX 7.7 years ago

    This beuty of a race car is a super F1 overly engineered to milk every last drop of torque for the around 350hp engine, brakes make it a rocket that refuses to turn sometimes so best to pull off the brake turn while in the turn... no explanation for how the slip settings in unity work.... THIS IS NOT REPOAST... want proof? Try out the older versions, they're different from eachother

  • F1 car MKVI 8.1 years ago

    working on it

  • krackendrive 8.5 years ago

    if you have epilepsy PUT THE MOUSE DOWN NOW! AND YOU WONT GET HURT....

  • F1 car MKVII 8.5 years ago

    this one is very bad, i needs a whole lot of work, but don't have that much time due to school.....

  • F1 car MKVI 8.5 years ago

    this car is desighned for the gold prix

  • F1 car MKV 8.5 years ago

    ok the newer version is out, this time better and its optimized for keyboard so i suggest you go ahead an plug that keyboard in!
    F1 car MKVI

  • F1 Car 8.5 years ago

    or just check out my profile XD ;_:

  • F1 Car 8.5 years ago

    i suggest you check out my latest version "F1 car MKV"