Get it to 33 mph and pull the pitch down slightly, trust me it will take off @Sam3232
I uploded my reentry
@TheEpicGuy set throttle to 100% pull pitch all the way down, get it to 32 mph and it will lift off
@Sam3232 i created a new entry
Wait, i can definetly make it have a slower topspeed, can i change it and reenter? @Sam3232
It barely even goes 116 mph@Sam3232
What are you talking about, it takes off at 33 mph@Sam3232
Hey I uploaded my enrtry go check it out!!
Whats the prize
Hey can i make a v4?
Looks good
I fixed it @Awsomur
"I made this plane and have all rights to its creation" lol yeah we get it
Btw check out my RD plane
Why called pinecone
Lol thx@Trent1sz
Wow looks cool@TheNightmare
I know that but why are they in a weird pattern@TheNightmare
I did@TheNightmare
Yeah, I got it for my birthday a few years ago@TheNightmare @TheNightmare
What's with the air bakesTheNightmare
I've never been to England, but I have a Lego replica of tower bridge.@TheNightmare
Do you live in the USA, if so what state. I'm in NY@TheNightmare
Ya, just chillin@TheNightmare
Kul @3clipse
It's still funny@iiRazor
Go big or go home...or not IDGAF@SemedianIndustries
No ( da da da da da)@Plasma
It's cuz you have the jets wrong at the back
What @RailfanEthan
Monorail, not rail bus, seriously...
Great spelling I must say...
I get why you did it but if you wanted it to be accurate it should sink
Sharks don't stay at the surface normally
"Peaple" face palm
"Promes", wow I can't believe how many people can't spell on this site...
Why did you upload the same plane twice in a row
You should give credit
Get it to 33 mph and pull the pitch down slightly, trust me it will take off @Sam3232
I uploded my reentry
@TheEpicGuy set throttle to 100% pull pitch all the way down, get it to 32 mph and it will lift off
@Sam3232 i created a new entry
Wait, i can definetly make it have a slower topspeed, can i change it and reenter? @Sam3232
It barely even goes 116 mph@Sam3232
What are you talking about, it takes off at 33 mph@Sam3232
Hey I uploaded my enrtry go check it out!!
Whats the prize
Hey can i make a v4?
Looks good
I fixed it @Awsomur
"I made this plane and have all rights to its creation" lol yeah we get it
Btw check out my RD plane
Why called pinecone
Lol thx@Trent1sz
Wow looks cool@TheNightmare
I know that but why are they in a weird pattern@TheNightmare
I did@TheNightmare
Yeah, I got it for my birthday a few years ago@TheNightmare @TheNightmare
What's with the air bakesTheNightmare
I've never been to England, but I have a Lego replica of tower bridge.@TheNightmare
Do you live in the USA, if so what state. I'm in NY@TheNightmare
Ya, just chillin@TheNightmare
Kul @3clipse
It's still funny@iiRazor
Go big or go home...or not IDGAF@SemedianIndustries
No ( da da da da da)@Plasma
It's cuz you have the jets wrong at the back
What @RailfanEthan
Monorail, not rail bus, seriously...
Great spelling I must say...
I get why you did it but if you wanted it to be accurate it should sink
Sharks don't stay at the surface normally
"Peaple" face palm
"Promes", wow I can't believe how many people can't spell on this site...
Why did you upload the same plane twice in a row
You should give credit