Ooooh, this one looks very nice. And by the way, will we be expecting any wide-bodies, and even an A380 type superjumbo that is even larger than the a380 in the future? Because I expect the Horizon Design Bureau to start building bigger, longer range, and higher capacity airliners eventually.
Wow. You, my friend, have come very far from when you first started building planes here on SimplePlanes. This plane is probably the best I have seen you do so far. And I’m looking forward to seeing more from you in the future. 😉
Wow. This bird is easily one of the best A380s I’ve seen in a VERY long time, in fact this could be THE best one I have EVER seen. Awesome job my man. 👍😎
Hey there @Wallaby , now that you've returned, might you plan on doing the 747 family, including many of the unbuilt variants of the queen of the skies at some point? Just a yes or no question.
@GalacticaAsia No problem, bro. And thanks for telling me. I just really like how many points you're gaining in quite a short span of time. Also, I'm happy that you are happy making planes and that others enjoy them, like me. :) Keep up the great work, my man. ;)
Ooooh, I've actually seen this interesting concept quite a few times before. And it's great to finally see this plane on SimplePlanes. Excellent job, bro. ;)
@ADAP Because I think it would just be a little time consuming, especially to do a big build. So I just prefer looking at planes and have everyone else do all the work instead.
Hey man, I know of a large concept airliner that you can also do after 1.11 exits beta called the 747-700X. Here it is compared to the -400 as well as a three view. Pretty big and nice, isn't it?
@XAircraftManufacturer No worries, because all your other planes that you'll remake in the meantime will keep me busy until then. Thanks for the heads up. ;)
No worries, our friend. We'll be here for you once you return. ;)
+1@HorizonOfficial Sounds good, I can wait patiently till then no problem. 😉
Ooooh, this one looks very nice. And by the way, will we be expecting any wide-bodies, and even an A380 type superjumbo that is even larger than the a380 in the future? Because I expect the Horizon Design Bureau to start building bigger, longer range, and higher capacity airliners eventually.
Awesome new plane. 👍 😎
+1@XAircraftManufacturer The pleasure is all mine as always, my bro. 😎
+2Wow. You, my friend, have come very far from when you first started building planes here on SimplePlanes. This plane is probably the best I have seen you do so far. And I’m looking forward to seeing more from you in the future. 😉
+3Absolutely rad! 😎
+2Wow. This bird is easily one of the best A380s I’ve seen in a VERY long time, in fact this could be THE best one I have EVER seen. Awesome job my man. 👍😎
+1Looking very nice so far. 😎
Hey there @Wallaby , now that you've returned, might you plan on doing the 747 family, including many of the unbuilt variants of the queen of the skies at some point? Just a yes or no question.
@XAircraftManufacturer No problem, my man. ;)
+1Coming together very nicely. ;)
@Neowwwww Hello, well, I'm not sure, but thanks for asking anyway.
@GalacticaAsia No problem, bro. And thanks for telling me. I just really like how many points you're gaining in quite a short span of time. Also, I'm happy that you are happy making planes and that others enjoy them, like me. :) Keep up the great work, my man. ;)
+1Congrats for reaching gold. 🎉🎊 😁
+1No worries, bro. A little delay won't hurt.
+1Very top notch. ;)
@Tang0five No problem bro. ;) And I can see why you chose the 3-11 :)
Ooooh, I've actually seen this interesting concept quite a few times before. And it's great to finally see this plane on SimplePlanes. Excellent job, bro. ;)
+2Ooooh, very nice. And also, congrats for reaching 4k. ;)
+1@ADAP Okay. Sounds like a plan.
@ADAP Because again, I'd just rather have everyone else do all the work. But one day, perhaps I could give it a shot. ;)
@ADAP Because I think it would just be a little time consuming, especially to do a big build. So I just prefer looking at planes and have everyone else do all the work instead.
+1@GalacticaAsia No problem, my bro. ;)
I’ll say it again, congrats for reaching 3k! 🎉
+1Congratulations for reaching 3k! 🎉 👏
+1Very top notch, my man. ;)
+1Looking fantastic so far. :)
It's all coming together. :)
+1This one's coming along really nice so far. And congratulations for reaching platinum, my bro. ;)
+1@XAircraftManufacturer Thank you!
@XAircraftManufacturer The pleasure is all mine, bro. ;)
You've gotten really good at designing planes since you've first started your hobby. And you'll only get better from here, mark my words. ;)
+1Wow, this must be the best plane you've done so far. Great job, bro. ;)
@GalacticaAsia The pleasure’s all mine, my man. And I will. 😉😎
Congrats on reaching 2k! 🎉
+2@GalacticaAsia Me neither. And I agree that time will indeed tell.
+1Hey it’s me again. When might update 1.11 leave beta approximately?
@GalacticaAsia Indeed sir, indeed. 😉
+1Hey man, I know of a large concept airliner that you can also do after 1.11 exits beta called the 747-700X. Here it is compared to the -400 as well as a three view. Pretty big and nice, isn't it?
+1@XAircraftManufacturer No worries, because all your other planes that you'll remake in the meantime will keep me busy until then. Thanks for the heads up. ;)
Hey man, you got any updates on the XJ-40-9 stretch you’ve started on?
Looking sharp. ;)
@GalacticaAsia Understandable, well, have a nice day. 👋 😉
+1Hey man, do you plan on making the mighty A380 in the future, perhaps after you make the A320 mentioned by @ADAP earlier?
Ooooh, this one looks great. 👍
Hey man, how's your XJ-40-9 stretch coming along so far?
Airbus A300.
+1Hey man, I just wanted to stop by to see how school is going for you.
@airlinerbuilder No problem, my bro. And no worries, I can wait for a pretty long time. ;)