This has now officially taken the cake for THE best build I have ever seen here on SimplePlanes. You, my friend, have officially become a true legendary master and god at building detailed planes like this. I'm so amazed that you managed to pull this off. I am so proud of you, my man. And I really mean it. ;)
Very well done. Looks just like the real thing yet is definitely still mobile friendly. And I'll be looking forward to seeing more from you in the future. ;)
I really have to say, you really outdid yourself when making this big magnificent giant of the skies. In fact this is easily the best build I've seen you make so far. Keep up the great work, my good sir. ;)
This one sure is coming together really nicely. And I also have 2 quick questions. What's the length of the 9XN seen above? And, what's the passenger capacity for that specific variant?
@airlinerbuilder I'm glad to hear you're planning to return to work on your T.D.A project. And I bet it will look really cool once it's done I'll tell you that much.
Man, I'm really digging this one. It looks just like the real thing. And It also goes to show that you sure are getting extremely good at designing airplanes here on SimplePlanes ever since you've joined this community. I'm really proud of you for coming this far, my man. And I'm looking forward to seeing more from you in the future. ;)
@WingworksDesignCo I just haven't had the time to do that sort of thing because I like spending time with family and catching up with the latest news on some stuff. That's all. ;)
@WingworksDesignCo Cool. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you guys complete this build and do future ones. This will be a lot of fun, I’ll tell you that much. 😉
Fantastic work, bro. You're really getting better and better with each build, and it is clearly showing. I'm so proud of you for coming this far. Keep up the amazing work, my man. ;)
Fantastic job as always. This build really goes to show that you are enormously improving your plane building skills in a short span of time. And I can definitely see that now. I'm so proud of you for coming this far. Keep up the awesome work, my man. 😉
@MrBoi64 Sweet! :D And I found a great one for you to do. This one is called the Airbus A500. 12 engines and seating for 2,005 passengers. Huge, isn't it?
Hello, it’s me, again. Would you like to do a massive triple decker mega airliner in the near future? If yes, you could base it off this. Just an idea, but also a fun one at that. 😉
@WingworksDesignCo Oooh. That sounds kinda interesting if you asked me. I’ll be looking forward to see what the engines will actually look like on release. Maybe you could make that a surprise for us. 😉
Meowlets? That sounds like a pretty funny name for the winglets if you asked me. 😂 Jokes aside, I can clearly tell that you’re really improving your plane building skills compared to the last build. I’m so proud of you for that, my man. And I really mean it. 😉
Wow. You, sir, have improved enormously on your plane building skills. I'm also amazed by the fact that you made this build realistic without using a lot of parts. I'm really proud of you, my man. :)
@WingworksDesignCo I can understand that. Go get your homework done and get it out of the way unless you've already finished it. Either way, I don't mind waiting for a bit. :)
Wow. I really have to say. You definitely outdid yourself creating this amazing bird. It just looks really magnificent and very sleek. I’m really proud of you, sport. 😉
This has now officially taken the cake for THE best build I have ever seen here on SimplePlanes. You, my friend, have officially become a true legendary master and god at building detailed planes like this. I'm so amazed that you managed to pull this off. I am so proud of you, my man. And I really mean it. ;)
+1@airlinerbuilder Alright then. I'll be looking forward to seeing this massive new military plane once it's completed in the meantime. ;)
+1@airlinerbuilder No problem, bro, no problem at all. ;)
+1@SemedianIndustries Yeah. What can I say? I'm really easy to impress, bro. ;)
+1Congratulations. 👍😎
+1Very well done. Looks just like the real thing yet is definitely still mobile friendly. And I'll be looking forward to seeing more from you in the future. ;)
+1I really have to say, you really outdid yourself when making this big magnificent giant of the skies. In fact this is easily the best build I've seen you make so far. Keep up the great work, my good sir. ;)
+1The W340-9XN also kinda reminds me of the unbuilt Boeing 763-246C airliner concept from the 1990s a little bit. Here's what it would have looked like.
+1@Meowsers That's the exact same number of passengers that the real life Boeing 777-300ER can fit in a single class configuration.
+1This one sure is coming together really nicely. And I also have 2 quick questions. What's the length of the 9XN seen above? And, what's the passenger capacity for that specific variant?
+1@airlinerbuilder I'm glad to hear you're planning to return to work on your T.D.A project. And I bet it will look really cool once it's done I'll tell you that much.
+1This fighter jet is coming along very nicely. Now, what date are you aiming for to post this bird once it’s fully completed?
+1This bird sure looks very elegant if I do say so myself. :)
+1@MrEarth Damn right!
+1Man, I'm really digging this one. It looks just like the real thing. And It also goes to show that you sure are getting extremely good at designing airplanes here on SimplePlanes ever since you've joined this community. I'm really proud of you for coming this far, my man. And I'm looking forward to seeing more from you in the future. ;)
+1Very good plane you got there. 😎
+1@WingworksDesignCo I just haven't had the time to do that sort of thing because I like spending time with family and catching up with the latest news on some stuff. That's all. ;)
+1@WingworksDesignCo No problem at all, pal. ;)
+1Looking excellent already, my good sir. ;)
+1@WingworksDesignCo Cool. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you guys complete this build and do future ones. This will be a lot of fun, I’ll tell you that much. 😉
+1Looking excellent so far. And I bet it's only going to get better from here I'll tell you that much. 😉
+1@PotatoJenkins1 Indeed it is. 😉
+1@WingworksDesignCo No problem at all, bro. ;)
+1Fantastic work, bro. You're really getting better and better with each build, and it is clearly showing. I'm so proud of you for coming this far. Keep up the amazing work, my man. ;)
+1Looking amazing, sir. ;)
+1Fantastic job as always. This build really goes to show that you are enormously improving your plane building skills in a short span of time. And I can definitely see that now. I'm so proud of you for coming this far. Keep up the awesome work, my man. 😉
+1@MrBoi64 Sweet! :D And I found a great one for you to do. This one is called the Airbus A500. 12 engines and seating for 2,005 passengers. Huge, isn't it?
+1@WingworksDesignCo You sure did lol.
+1Hello, it’s me, again. Would you like to do a massive triple decker mega airliner in the near future? If yes, you could base it off this. Just an idea, but also a fun one at that. 😉
+1@WingworksDesignCo Oooh. That sounds kinda interesting if you asked me. I’ll be looking forward to see what the engines will actually look like on release. Maybe you could make that a surprise for us. 😉
+1Looks super shiny. :)
+1Very cool looking plane @Star737.
+1I think the wings could use some enlargement and stretching. But other than that, very good job. ;)
+1@WingworksDesignCo No problem, bro. ;) And you know what? I actually like cats quite a bit too. :)
+1Meowlets? That sounds like a pretty funny name for the winglets if you asked me. 😂 Jokes aside, I can clearly tell that you’re really improving your plane building skills compared to the last build. I’m so proud of you for that, my man. And I really mean it. 😉
+1@Archanis No problem at all, my firend. ;)
+1Wow. You, sir, have improved enormously on your plane building skills. I'm also amazed by the fact that you made this build realistic without using a lot of parts. I'm really proud of you, my man. :)
+1I'm looking forward to see what the rest of this plane looks like and what its specifications are once its done. This is gonna be fun I tell ya. ;)
+1@WingworksDesignCo That's the spirit. ;)
+1@WingworksDesignCo I can understand that. Go get your homework done and get it out of the way unless you've already finished it. Either way, I don't mind waiting for a bit. :)
+1I bet the W250-P1 Swan will more likely be uploaded tomorrow instead of today. Don’t you think? 🤔
+1@WingworksDesignCo No problem at all. ;)
+1Very impressive.
+1Looking great. And I can't wait to see the finished product when it comes out. It's gonna look very sharp which means very good just so you know. :)
+1Looking very sleek there, bro. ;)
+1@SemedianIndustries And it looks like all that hard work has definitely paid off. 🙂
+1Wow. I really have to say. You definitely outdid yourself creating this amazing bird. It just looks really magnificent and very sleek. I’m really proud of you, sport. 😉
+1@Archanis Alright. And I'm looking forward to what you plan on building next. 🙂
+1Very impressive. :)
+1@WingworksDesignCo No problem at all, pal. ;)