@Snowdog I have sp on my phone but I actually play it on my Chromebook 99% of the time. It runs everything fine on high quality up till about 390 parts.
@MemeLordMASTERMEMES I used google photos to get the photo urls but I guess they probably cant be seen since they're from my drive. Do you know the right way to do it?
Now it can really go everywhere 😂
@Krennic123 Thanks! Once I have better hardware ill surely do some bigger sw builds!
Ill join the challenge
@SmallyRocket Upvote that many of the podium winners posts if possible, thats what i did in my challenge a few months ago
Thanks @KnightOfRen !
I haven't laughed this much in weeks why is it so funny 😂😂😂😂😂
I love it
@Snowdog yours has to be larger than who you're spotlighting
@Snowdog The number next to your name
@Snowdog Because you have to have more points to do so
@Ferrolon Im switching to windows pretty soon so ill be able to do make better stuff and run more stuff 👍
@WingManAdrian123 @WernsterProductions
Thanks guys!
@Eiro Oh
Absitivley Deliciously Scrumptious
@Mastermind1941 Yes.....................................................................................
Great job!
@MangoBuilds Definitely
@MoonCat80 😂
@WingManAdrian123 Thanx
long boi
@Eiro 👍
@JensFischer Ohhhhh
I dont understand please help me
@SledDriver Hm, I thought it was like a ton of rotators and funky stuff
How does it even work?
@Snowdog Yeah pretty much
@Snowdog Coolio 👍
Whats needs fixing?
@Snowdog Its an asus c202 but its like 4 years old now so it doesnt run as good as brand new
@Snowdog I have sp on my phone but I actually play it on my Chromebook 99% of the time. It runs everything fine on high quality up till about 390 parts.
@Snowdog Great! It wasnt running very good on my device so I didnt get to test it very much.
ill do the join
This is so good! Awesome work!
I cant get over how awesome this thing looks. Due to hardware limitations I cant really run it but damn, great work!
@Puffin9173 Thats what I had to do for my M-29 and some others, It worked for me. The plane may lift off a little slower though.
@Puffin9173 Maybe try adding a little dead weight to the front to help with stability
Good design but its unstable at times and randomly rolls over
This is the definition of 'excess"
Off topic but I usually have the time set to mid day but dang, sun rises and sunsets are great too!
@MemeLordMASTERMEMES I tried it. Can you see the picture?
@MemeLordMASTERMEMES I used google photos to get the photo urls but I guess they probably cant be seen since they're from my drive. Do you know the right way to do it?
@MemeLordMASTERMEMES are you able to see the photos in this builds page? I can see them but idk if im doing it right.
@Terribleplanemakerlogan yes
@50CalChicken Thanks!
Awesome build!
@Ferrolon i do have discord, ill use the link