@CRJ900Pilot I would not advise saying things like can you transfer the points to another build because it is pretty much asking for upvotes and that is not allowed
@theweponizer I know your new but your not allowed to repost others planes because you get points from something you did not even do or touch
You have not changed anything This Is NOT allowed
This is diappointing @GT3TobyRS
@NativeChief1492 Np!
@Ihatelava123isacommunist Thank you!
@DesertEagle3450 Lol Thanks! for upvote and comment
@mikoyanster Np!
@GT3TobyRS In a sec
@NativeChief1492 Oh Ok!
@Ihatelava123isacommunist Thank you!
@NativeChief1492 Here is a good one
@TheStapler Np!
@Gnome360 Yay! Thanks!
@SimpleEric Np!
@GT3TobyRS K
@Xogo Np!
@GT3TobyRS Thank you! also have you made roundel?\
@Gnome360 Number 1
A Radical SR3 RSX mate!
@Treadmill103 Thanks!
@mikoyanster Thanks!
@Insertname Thank you!
@oDDDynamics Thank you!
@SimpleEric Thank you!
@Treadmill103 Thank you!
Thank you!
@CRJ900Pilot Oh ok
@CRJ900Pilot Np!
@mikoyanster Can I repost as succesor of this post?
@mikoyanster $%^# I just relised it needs weapons!
@mikoyanster Thanks For ALL!
@CRJ900Pilot last one ok NO more
@CRJ900Pilot I would not advise saying things like can you transfer the points to another build because it is pretty much asking for upvotes and that is not allowed
@CRJ900Pilot Np!
@CRJ900Pilot K
i am Falling behind on that challenge i will deticate tommorrow to finish it but i am Having issues that i need to fix so it could take longer
@SHCow Sure!
@SteadfastContracting Thank you!
the canard is of centre (not sure if it is purposeful) but still very nice
@ForeverPie : )
@corsair013 Mabye
@Kentheman It is an Imported model
@GT3TobyRS sure
@GT3TobyRS Yas it is Nice Please go to Our secret site I Need to ask you something
@SimpleEric np!
@WEAPONSMITH That is what i choose @Ihatelava123isacommunist So I will do that.
@Ihatelava123isacommunist Ok i will Have a look
@magnusoli04 Np!