@SHDQ136 hehe boy kkkk
@BonapartePierceAviation thanks this and only a prototype i'm working on a con
@MAHADI in my next project i will work better my posts thanks all the criticism and welcome
@MAHADI na próxima vou por
Estou trabalhando em outro mais esse vai ser bem maior
@AccilianMilitaryAircraft valeu
@50CalChicken valeu amigo
Gostaria de ajudar a criar uma aeronave para bem detalhada cabine
@DickBrazen obrigado amigo
@Rodrigo110 tudo bem amigo estou criando um helicóptero do mesmo conseito
Estou trabalhando em outro projeto
@ArcturusAerospace obrigado
@Evenstsrike333 obrigado
very good thanks
@DickBrazen kkkkk no men goes on Google and for example by plant truck there click on image there will be several manufacturing plants
@DickBrazen try to get a construction plan on Google friend there are many before creating this truck I went there to get an idea
@BlueBell yes and I left the rings to be classic
beautiful racing machine friend
I'm creating an old style fire truck
@BlueBell good night friend is not easy I first start making the cabin then the rest is easy only part that takes work and finishing details
@Mustang51 You can leave friend, I'll take this care :)
@Mustang51 Reset the gyroscope
@Strikefighter04 Feel free friend I'm already signing the paperwork kkk
@Rickyjasper2 I did it in about 2 hours friend
@Mustang51 thank you friend in the next project i will be more careful with the details
thanks for the votes friends didn't expect so many votes since this warning and a test thank you so much I'm working on a complete electric plane
@BlueBell He is not ready yet just posted for posting kkkkkk
@Mustang51 I'm going to do a lot more this was just a test kkk
@Kerbango kkkkk
@Kerbango I will correct this error
@Diloph kkkkkkk lollllllllll
@Afafaad alright friend
@GhosTerSix I saw that helicopter of four elices in your profile I think I will make one of this
@GhosTerSix Ready friend
@GhosTerSix I just created another war
i'm already finishing the new shark helicopter it will move the main machine gun and it will be a single pilot helicopter this one you will like
must have something loose must be the back elice that is hidden behind him in my project everything is ok
@Mustang51 vai na elice traseira e ver em baixo dela lá tem uma elice menor pode ser ela
@Mustang51 acabei de ver mais no meu está tudo normal
@Mustang51 vou ver esse erro
Bela construção amigo
@Braddock estou criando um de duas elices
@Mustang51 muito obrigado mustang
@botto28 sério não sei oque ouve
@GhosTerSix que bom que gostou amigo
@BnanaX já estou trabalhando em um avião gigante kkk
@TheSolarFlare estou fazendo uma versão dele de atack
@BnanaX ele ia ficar legal com armas
@BnanaX conseguiu pilotar a máquina
@BnanaX vou seguir eles amanha
@SHDQ136 hehe boy kkkk
@BonapartePierceAviation thanks this and only a prototype i'm working on a con
@MAHADI in my next project i will work better my posts thanks all the criticism and welcome
@MAHADI na próxima vou por
Estou trabalhando em outro mais esse vai ser bem maior
@AccilianMilitaryAircraft valeu
@50CalChicken valeu amigo
Gostaria de ajudar a criar uma aeronave para bem detalhada cabine
@DickBrazen obrigado amigo
@Rodrigo110 tudo bem amigo estou criando um helicóptero do mesmo conseito
Estou trabalhando em outro projeto
@ArcturusAerospace obrigado
@Evenstsrike333 obrigado
+1very good thanks
@DickBrazen kkkkk no men goes on Google and for example by plant truck there click on image there will be several manufacturing plants
+1@DickBrazen try to get a construction plan on Google friend there are many before creating this truck I went there to get an idea
+1@BlueBell yes and I left the rings to be classic
beautiful racing machine friend
I'm creating an old style fire truck
@BlueBell good night friend is not easy I first start making the cabin then the rest is easy only part that takes work and finishing details
@Mustang51 You can leave friend, I'll take this care :)
@Mustang51 Reset the gyroscope
@Strikefighter04 Feel free friend I'm already signing the paperwork kkk
@Rickyjasper2 I did it in about 2 hours friend
@Mustang51 thank you friend in the next project i will be more careful with the details
thanks for the votes friends didn't expect so many votes since this warning and a test thank you so much I'm working on a complete electric plane
+1@BlueBell He is not ready yet just posted for posting kkkkkk
@Mustang51 I'm going to do a lot more this was just a test kkk
+1@Kerbango kkkkk
@Kerbango I will correct this error
+1@Diloph kkkkkkk lollllllllll
@Afafaad alright friend
@GhosTerSix I saw that helicopter of four elices in your profile I think I will make one of this
@GhosTerSix Ready friend
@GhosTerSix I just created another war
i'm already finishing the new shark helicopter it will move the main machine gun and it will be a single pilot helicopter this one you will like
must have something loose must be the back elice that is hidden behind him in my project everything is ok
@Mustang51 vai na elice traseira e ver em baixo dela lá tem uma elice menor pode ser ela
@Mustang51 acabei de ver mais no meu está tudo normal
@Mustang51 vou ver esse erro
Bela construção amigo
@Braddock estou criando um de duas elices
@Mustang51 muito obrigado mustang
+1@botto28 sério não sei oque ouve
@GhosTerSix que bom que gostou amigo
@BnanaX já estou trabalhando em um avião gigante kkk
@TheSolarFlare estou fazendo uma versão dele de atack
@BnanaX ele ia ficar legal com armas
@BnanaX conseguiu pilotar a máquina
@BnanaX vou seguir eles amanha