366 Bush43

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joined 3.7 years ago

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Dedicated to all things Dubya

I am George W. Bush, most people call me Dubya, not to get confused with my Daddy. I am a pretty misunderstood guy, I am pretty chill. I'm just here on the internets to change peoples perception of me. Planes have been apart of me for all of my life. Pops flew TBF Avengers in WW2. I flew Convair F-102 Daggers in the Texas ANG, I also flew in an S-3 that landed on an Aircraft Carrier. Also cool thing about me, I am from Texas, which I served as the Governor of. And little known fact, I also was President of the United States. Thanks for checking me out! Don’t mess with Texas.


Bronze: June 1st 2021

This account is purely for jokes, and does not represent President Bush or any of his organizations in any capacity. This account is to remain apolitical on most issues as per the websites guidelines.