9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Weight mod request 7.3 years ago

    Very true actually I might say that is probably preferable @randomusername

  • AXlane 7.3 years ago

    Great weopens system I'd like to work with you on some builds you seem to be experienced in weopens

  • Round Scramjet 7.3 years ago

    Cool bro it's a lot like my t232 drive but it's not as fast

  • Show me a plane 7.3 years ago

    Ok I recon you will have fun with my b232 attack bomber you may want to follow the instructions fully tho overwise it could explode laughing out loud

  • Apollo fighter3.0 7.4 years ago

    Interesting it's similar to something I went to make once while goofing around

  • The American Dream (HotRod) 7.4 years ago

    Crazy build love it

  • Prosk Pioneer Mk. I 7.4 years ago

    Nice jet clean and nicely made l like the written lore about it I think this deserves more attention so I've spotlighted it

  • New Team Member 7.4 years ago

    Agreed the tracks would be great for multiple builds @BogdanX

  • New Team Member 7.4 years ago

    Add more engines and more parts such a bungie code (a rope that stretches) more options for vtol more control sliders like the trim and vtol one

  • Why should you play SP? 7.4 years ago

    Because you can build more on sp the ksp and you get more parts and more detail

  • lockheed C-133 Advanced Hercules 7.4 years ago

    Copying is not nice and simply recolouring a build doesn't make it yours this is against the rules and as a result I've reported it to the moderators who will now deal with this

  • I need help 7.4 years ago

    @Delphinus I'll see with ty if ether of these are the real after all I am building it for him

  • I need help 7.4 years ago

    The dude I'm making it for said he has seen both this means I can get some information of him but more worried about the fact he mentioned both meanings two this could be a bigger project than I originally thought @t8erh8er

  • T232 mark 10 hyperdrive (plz read full description) 7.4 years ago

    I wonder if you know someone who could scale the length of this down so it's not as long that way I can put it on rotations and get mark 11 done @OverlordAeronautics2

  • T232 mark 10 hyperdrive (plz read full description) 7.4 years ago

    Well it's more than that and I'll admit the longest part was getting the parts but it did take a bit of time in planning and such you should try it out it's not just a engine it's hyperdrive @Viperfox

  • Help needed [DONE] 7.4 years ago

    I have been doing other projects until eventually shatslanger got the engines right I finished the project over a month ago mark 10 I called it and it's a brutally powerful engine which can be used for any craft the mark 11 is going to have reverse thrust to help with slowing it down for landings as the mark 11 will be faster with its after burner not that it needs one lol it's also going to have a thrust vectoring system that will move some of the power to help turning abilities go smoothly it's going to be in two versions single engine and double @OverlordAeronautics2

  • Help needed [DONE] 7.4 years ago

    they are done now @OverlordAeronautics2

  • So just something I thought we should all try out 7.4 years ago

    Needs some work on the start and the rhythms but it's original and unique funny great try keep at it lol @Testin123

  • So just something I thought we should all try out 7.4 years ago

    I do my research before even reporting and I only put the message up after reporting I know you guys work hard and there are millions of users so I try to help as much as possible because if I was in your shoes I would need the help so I imagine it's right to help out @TheLatentImage

  • So just something I thought we should all try out 7.4 years ago

    Ok on the note modderators has dealt with the copycats but there are many more out there if we do this it makes the modderators job easier which means thay have more time for us and anything we may need like help with projects or maybe making their own more after all they are users to and they are so under credited and abused so well they haven't asked for help but it's nice to

  • military dune buggy 7.4 years ago

    Well I guess that the gun on top is actually classified as a notable improvement so I will apologise if I made you feel unwelcome it's not personal in anyway shape or form I'm just keeping the copycats out some will add parts some don't like in the rules just adding random parts doesn't make it your own especially when it doesn't improve the design or like most it's just a lot of guns or engines slapped on but I guess this passed the mods I run all posts that I think are copyed so my first text is only for those mentioned earlier

  • military dune buggy 7.4 years ago

  • So just something I thought we should all try out 7.4 years ago

    I obviously assume the mods have taken care of it but they still pop up and the mods try there hardest credit to them for that but I feel if we all worked together doing this the copycats wouldn't get anything from it.
    Not even a reaction which it a lose lose for them win win for us.
    Because if we just swear and have ago then we are simply fuelling it more.
    Because some do it for the reactions and the message I've made perfectly denies them any real reaction they might find amusing.
    While also letting them know they haven't fooled anyone and in no way got away with it and also reporting it is most important to make sure they don't get away with it
    if the copycat starts getting nasty then tag a mod.
    Speaking of which I'd like to know what the mods think of this? Is it a good idea?

  • TLZ FA 37 Talon (New) 7.4 years ago

    This is a copy
    Copying is not nice and is against the rules as a result of this I have reported this post to the moderators who will now deal with this please do not copy others builds and read the rules

  • VX-Dragon-V6 7.4 years ago

    This is a copy
    Copying is not nice and is against the rules as a result of this I have reported this post to the moderators who will now deal with this please do not copy others builds and read the rules

  • military dune buggy 7.4 years ago

    This is a copy
    Copying is not nice and is against the rules as a result of this I have reported this post to the moderators who will now deal with this please do not copy others builds and read the rules

  • A-10 Thunderbolt Red and White 7.4 years ago

    In the description @Aston177

  • Ok a change in my projects 7.4 years ago

    Ah good idea @BritishNarwhal7

  • Parts20170508 7.4 years ago

    That engine behind the cockpit yes that flat one it may be great for my current project I may need a flatter version or more powerful version I'm not sure but when I am can you please make it to the specifications I need you will be doing me a big favour

  • A-10 Thunderbolt Red and White 7.4 years ago

    @BogdanX I think this might be a re colour copy I thought I should check with you as I'm not definitely sure

  • Ok a change in my projects 7.4 years ago

    Thx yeah I'm doing the research part now I'm confused as to what it looks like exactly because there is also a lot of fake pictures so I'm trying to find which one is really the right one and which one is the fake @BritishNarwhal7

  • T232 mark 10 hyperdrive (plz read full description) 7.4 years ago

    An after burner isn't really necessary when you can already out speed everything but I can always add it just for the shake of making it faster as for the reverser I assume you mean a built in reverse thrust which is actually a good idea to help slow things down and make it easy to land @MrSilverWolf

  • For u 7.4 years ago

    This is a copy

    Copying is not nice and is against the rules as a result to this I have reported this post to the moderators who will now deal with this please do not copy in future

  • Warbird Dynamics | F-14 | Leviathan C 7.4 years ago

    Great build dude kinda makes my planes look like £@&@'

  • HB232 HEAVY BOMBER (BIGBROTHER) 7.4 years ago


  • So I put a foram out a while ago yesterday and I haven't really got a response 7.4 years ago

    Not exactly but it needs specific parts I can't make @FennVectorCWA

  • Is anyone willing to help... 7.4 years ago

    I'll do what I can but no promises as I don't have mods

  • More than a year in this community 7.4 years ago

    dude don't delete your old account because I like the plane on this 1 liked the planes on your old one I don't want to lose the planes and I don't have enough space to store them on my phone so unless I can post them as unlisted so I always have access which I'm not sure if that's against the rules or not (could a mod confirmed weather it is or not against the rules to save others posts under unlisted so I can always have them?) @thelatentimage

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Functioning Missile Bay) 7.4 years ago

    I take it you're insurance didn't help out ether bloody hell they should have paid out best of luck on that @Sarpanitu

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Functioning Missile Bay) 7.4 years ago

    Look you apologise to hyperloop so we can get off this subject already @Viperfox

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Functioning Missile Bay) 7.4 years ago

    No no no I'm not disabled I was just saying there are people out there in the world who could be @Viperfox

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Functioning Missile Bay) 7.4 years ago

    Well if @viperfox truly doesn't mean anything by his earlier comment then I guess that could be put behind us if you apologise to @Hyperloop as for the whole outdoor thing not everyone can go outside as much or it can be different if they have problems like if they was disabled

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Functioning Missile Bay) 7.4 years ago

    @Hyperloop @Sarpanitu Well maybe I'm not sure I'll ever match this standard well ever ones your both great builders though although tbh @Viperfox you was actually rude first with your first comment just saying

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Functioning Missile Bay) 7.4 years ago

    @Hyperloop yeah and I spent around 4-6 hours over the course of the day for 1-7 days with the most time I spent on a project being a whole month and yet you're turning out this like this and I turned out something that wasn't anything close hell I mean I tried with it I really worked on it and then just not the reaction I was hoping for I guess I was so happy with it when I finally realised a listed version I felt I had done myself proud I was checking the comments looking for what people thought and well I didn't get bad comments but I didn't get the reaction I hoped for I kinda wanted to see how people enjoyed it instead just a few comments on good job and a good load of downloads I guess I could take that as a success but I felt empty like when a artist makes a masterpiece and the person he made it for looks for five minutes then says yeah it's good and instantly dismisses it and you like your thing wasn't worth their time you wish they would tell you what they thought about it if what they liked or if they had problems you could fix it was just empty I didn't really look at the upvotes because they are not what I'm looking for I don't get upvotes I don't understand why they are in the game all I know is they are useless points that usually means nothing especially as people would upvote anything even a turd yeah that's a thing there's a turd replica with 30 upvotes what does it do nothing but it proves my point

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Functioning Missile Bay) 7.4 years ago

    Seriously only 5 hours I have projects I've spent days on that are barely close to as good well it's not like solid full days just a few hours whenever I have time but still the totals to a lot of hours how do you get this in five hours it's incredible I'll never make anything as good in five hours @Hyperloop

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Functioning Missile Bay) 7.4 years ago

    O MY GOD IS IS AWESOME!!! I just flew though daredevil at full throttle

  • Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut (Functioning Missile Bay) 7.4 years ago

    Jesus Christ WOW just when I think you just made the limit of the best fighter possible in sp you go and make one better like holy * this is awesome handling is great I flew it through the trenches after the air arrow and it actually shot it down yeah this it the first plane to take out the latest and greatest of the air arrows holy shit it was hard to hit the thing not because the jet just because the air arrows really do move like hell but this is the first jet to take out the prime version of it the handling was easy to fly it takes out every f22 on sp I even put every f22 I found against it lagged like hell but your jet ruined them

  • Indy Air Race 7.4 years ago

    Part scaled? Lilly doesn't have a single one? And it's been in races before? I'm confused @AndrewGarrison