9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Oceanview 7.5 years ago

    Can't I enter now

  • Oceanview 7.5 years ago

    Hang on why was my one disqualified?

  • The c232 purple nurple twister 7.5 years ago

    First I upvote and I do believe second spotlight @Dllama4 thx btw

  • Boom 50 that explodes on water 7.5 years ago

    I've seen this before on a boom 25 but that's not what I meant what I mean is could you make the boom 50 version smaller so it's not so much bigger than a regular boom 50@FlyingThings

  • Boom 50 that explodes on water 7.5 years ago

    Smaller versions required

  • activation group wing 7.5 years ago

    Could you make one of these so I can make a trim that can be turned on and off?

  • I need some help from someone who can do wing flaps 7.5 years ago

    What it is the plane has a turret so I need to be able to turn the trim off during use of the turret @FearlessFabEngineering

  • I need some help from someone who can do wing flaps 7.5 years ago

    Not exactly I meant to make a trim that could be turned on and off @FearlessFabEngineering

  • General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon 7.5 years ago

    Great plane love to se what you make next

  • RACER 4 BULE TEAM (old blue) 7.5 years ago

    Ok thx @destroyerP

  • T-98 Raven Heavy Fighter 7.5 years ago

    @Sarpanitu im uploading the bomber in 24hrs

  • RACER 4 BULE TEAM (old blue) 7.5 years ago

    thanks for the upvote well Ive noticed a lot have come from you in tha past 2hrs although I would prefer to know what you liked about my builds I'm quite greatful for the upvotes as they do show you like the posts @destroyerP

  • Is this just me or is someone else having this problem 7.5 years ago

    Ok I'll try that @AndrewGarrison

  • I need to track down a maker of a plane [TRACKED DOWN] 7.5 years ago

    Well I have posted a copy under unlisted which I'll delete when I find the original I'll mention you on it @MechWARRIOR57

  • I need to track down a maker of a plane [TRACKED DOWN] 7.5 years ago

    Well I tried uploading the plane in hope that I could try using the successor system to track it back but when I uploaded it as unlisted there wasn't any sigh of a successor system it's as if the original has been removed or maybe it was already a copy plane still I need to track down the original maker if not the original whole plane I need to know who to credit for the rocket pods on a build of mine before it is posted @EliteIndustries1

  • Is this just me or is someone else having this problem 7.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Please help

  • Farewell, EUCL3D :( 7.5 years ago

    Well I'm thinking of getting a 3D printer and doing 3D printing for people of course I wouldn't be able to do lots and lots but I recon it would do a few hundred

  • NO NO NO NO NO! 7.5 years ago

    It's best to solder it back @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation

  • Is this just me or is someone else having this problem 7.5 years ago

    Since the last iOS update @Tully2001

  • NO NO NO NO NO! 7.5 years ago

    Yeah and some spare wires @Tully2001

  • NO NO NO NO NO! 7.5 years ago

    Anyway I'm tired so I'm going to
    Leave you and whoever else is awake to it @Testin123

  • Can't sleep again. 7.5 years ago

    That's some really dark horrorific stuff I think you should go see someone about that maybe a priest it I hate to sound all holy but seriously you might actually be possessed @Viperfox

  • Can't sleep again. 7.5 years ago

    Oh I should have seen this earlier before commenting on your other post also ouch so basically you got a bruised eye socket similar to a black eye except the eyeball itself is usually bruised causing lots of pain and pretty much everything you described only question how did you get it @Testin123

  • Is this just me or is someone else having this problem 7.5 years ago

    @Thomasj041 I use a I phone 5s it has 16gb storage and it has hardly any used

  • NO NO NO NO NO! 7.5 years ago

    Ah I thought you were in us I'm in uk so I thought it would be daytime where you are@Testin123

  • NO NO NO NO NO! 7.5 years ago

    Try getting new wire and re setting them in

  • A rather interesting observation... 7.5 years ago

    Hey I wouldn't have made my account if it wasn't for kwebblecub before I would just build or download I wouldn't upload because I felt my planes would be hated on @Tully2001

  • A rather interesting observation... 7.5 years ago

    Soon I will be but first I git to get stuff at home sorted then I'll restart YouTube @AaltonenIndustries

  • A rather interesting observation... 7.5 years ago

    Why can't I find regular sp videos that aren't in German I have nothing against Germans but I would like to have someone make videos I can understand

  • Question. 7.5 years ago

    Trim not frim @CALVIN232

  • Question. 7.5 years ago

    Could it be used for firm if so could you edit one of my planes to only have trim when 8 is active @EliteIndustries1

  • VERY OFF TOPIC 7.5 years ago

    One word
    Google actually if you typed half of this post into any search anywhere it would come up

  • Janky Planes CHALLENGE !!! 7.5 years ago

    Ok @Ctracerx2

  • SF-50 7.5 years ago

    Nice plane but I did some improvements

  • MBT Merlin Mk.3 7.5 years ago

    The camo is awesome it's nice and clean and simple looking but mainly it looks good it's not over done actually I was hoping you would put the camo on some of my builds for me I'll credit you as I always credit any helpers

  • MBT Merlin Mk.3 7.5 years ago

    Nice tank a little laggy for mobile but it's pretty cool

  • I can't upload any thing because my game crash's before it completes the upload 7.5 years ago

    @Smasher uploading I had the same problem if you're on mobile you need to clear some memory on your device then you will need to try uploading and when it uploads check it is on the site then delete it of your phone reason you have it saved on the site so no need to keep so many on your phone (maybe a few favourites) if downloading other planes try on favouriting planes you really like so when you go searching for them you can actually use the favourites to find it

  • mobile friendly cargo plane 7.5 years ago

    You should call it lego cargo plane

  • ASI-213 7.5 years ago

    This is cool

  • I got banned for 3 days in ROBLOX for: 7.5 years ago

    Yeah so I'll next play Grand Theft Auto online when I'm 1035@ProKillaV12

  • I got banned for 3 days in ROBLOX for: 7.5 years ago

    The year 3017@MrSilverWolf

  • I got banned for 3 days in ROBLOX for: 7.5 years ago

    Also your lucky it's like 3 days my ban ends in 3017 so yeah I'll be very glad to be unbanned then not

  • I got banned for 3 days in ROBLOX for: 7.5 years ago

    Don't know but like when I got banned with rockstar I had to try to take the argument to them your time is best spent finding the support number and giving them a call don't get angry or rude because that doesn't really turn in your favour but like rockstar refuse to look into the matter on why I was banned off gta online I don't think roblox will do much ether that's why I suggest sticking with this game there's no hassle of people be nasty because the moderators take care of that and they are genuinely more friendly then moderators on other sites on this site the mods actually talk to players regularly and you can always talk to them about anything even a miss understanding they will hear you out look into it then tell you their thoughts which is lots better then any other site like rockstar who treated me like dirt and when I called the surportline one even called me a idiotic kid I'm 18 and he has the check to call me that @Toast

  • I got banned for 3 days in ROBLOX for: 7.5 years ago

    Laughing out loud @Flightsonic

  • ICARRUS AGRESSOR 7.5 years ago

    Could put the cockpit in more to hide the gaps but cool

  • Trim? 7.5 years ago

    Yeah that may be a problem well I gues I'd better show you the plane @EternalDarkness

  • Trim? 7.5 years ago

    Yeah but where to place it?@EternalDarkness

  • How do I make a plane pitch harder? 7.5 years ago

    You can hide the same tec in all your planes

  • How do I make a plane pitch harder? 7.5 years ago

    Take a look at my air arrows they have pull thrust tec which basically forces the plane to pitch whenever but it doesn't spin out because instead of pushing like most engines and thrust vectoring jets the nosels ar placed so it pulls the plane the result a incredibly manoverable plane which doesn't spin or flip out of control (unless you really try)

  • Flight simulator Cockpit-MK4.1 7.5 years ago

    Huh? I thought it was 2/3 @Sarpanitu