2,393 CR17glazer

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joined 3.5 years ago

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Hello Your A W If Your Reading This

Wow your actually reading this, Hi I originally found out about this game by CamodoGaming and then saw it in the App Store a year later and now I try to make planes and other things You might want to look under the POST category because some of my planes are not on profile front page (I’m 12 I’m from East German and live in Canada 🇨🇦) I do have a SimpleRockets account too I don’t remember the name probably whycantimakeagoodplane66 or smth like that idk Also sorry for the poor intro. It would also be nice if you followed, Bye enjoy your day :)

Status: In-Active (Just For A Bit), Usually waiting for a plane idea or waiting for a notification

Current Projects:


PBV-1A Air Caledonia [Done just not posted]

OA-12 “Duck” Coast Guard [Done]

AAC Angel N44KE [Done But Fixing Issues]

B-26B Air Spray [Done]

Tupolev Tu-107 (Wiki: Prototype military transport version, with a rear loading ramp and a defensive turret armed with paired cannon. Although one aircraft was built, no production followed)

Tupolev Tu-104SH (Navigation Trainer)

Douglas DC-8-60/70 DHL

Boeing 747-8F DHL

Airbus A321 “XLR”

CB-25J (Cargo B-25)

Boeing 737-200 Northwest Airlines (Fake Also Made Just Not Posted)

Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde DHL (Fake)

Antonov An-2 N2AN

Cavalier 2000 USAF 67-22581 (F-51D) (Made Just Not Posted)

All Weather Flying Center P-47 Thunderbolt

All Weather Flying Center XB-19 (Made Just Not Posted)

Fairchild SA-227AT Expediter UPS N560UP

Vickers Type 432


Westland Welkin

P-51D Rockwell International

Douglas C-117D Chuting Stars

Boeing PB-1W

Douglas AD-4W Skyraider SE-EBC

Grumman TBF-1 N6827C


Vought F4U-5NL FAH-609

Piper PA-48 N481PE

North American ETF-51D Mustang

North American P-51D RCAF PV-577

Grumman HU-16B N211MC

XP-67 “Moonbat”

North American B-25D 50 Soviet Union

North American NAA-64 Germany

Messerschmitt P.1095

Vought SB2U-1 Vindicator 9.S.18

B-17B Cold Weather Test

Fairey Albacore MK.II Squadron 145

PBJ-1D Mitchell VMB-611

Douglas Digby (B-18A) RCAF

Canadian Car & Foundry G-23 Goblin RCAF

Beech JRB-1

Dehavilland Hornet NF21

Mosquito NF XXX

Mosquito TT.39

Fairey Firefly T.1

-Ground Vehicles-


Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. L "Luchs"

Durchbruchswagen 2

SU-57B ((GAZ-74 Series))

Breda 501

Russian Hetzer [ I Believe I Made It But When I First Started SP So I’m Making A Better Version Now That I Have More Experience ]

Object 704 ((Prototype))

I also take requests. I also credit

Discord Name: CR7_KID7#2293 (If your going to add me tell me on my newest post pls if not I will not accept cause idk)

Roblox Acc Name: Johndeere76747NEW or Johndeere76747Alt add the first one because I usually don’t go on it also again tell me your adding me

Previously known as Jam14, Whycantimakeagoodplane66, xxXxPilotxXxx