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joined 2.5 years ago

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Player Biography  

Hey, I’m Crimson Arrow. You can call me Arrow. I downloaded the game Summer of 2021, when I watched a YouTube video of someone playing the game. I thought “now that’s my kind of thing!” Until I found out that the fleet at Krakabloa, Maywar Island, and the Kraken weren’t on mobile. So for a year I occupied myself with the game and that YouTuber, until Christmas of 2022. All I do here is take other people’s creations and turn them into futuristic military vehicles. I love the Navy, fighter planes, and Star Wars, along with WW2 aviation. And when it comes to SimplePlanes, my imagination starts at the Wright Isles, with enemy aircraft and someone’s futuristic design. I but I never thought about actually doing something with anyone else’s work. Until Project SPIDD, or SimplePlanes International Defense Division. When I thought about it, I wanted to make sure my works were good enough for others to enjoy, on all platforms of SimplePlanes. I play on mobile, so I don’t know what it’s like to be flying around being attacked by a kraken, or an alien pyramid. I just assume that some of my creations will destroy those things. I don’t create, because I can never find how to create a cockpit. I have attempted to make one, it just never came out well. But that’s about it for me, I like planes, creating things with other works, and using my imagination to form role play organizations so that I feel they have a place in my imagination.

Previously known as CRMSN01ARROW