120 Callingmar11 Comments

  • Flechette fighter 8.4 years ago


  • Helicopter V1 Shrike 8.6 years ago

    I noticed after I posted this haha. I appreciate it man! @Tyler923

  • USS Sovereign 8.6 years ago

    It worked pretty well with the physics model on mobile. But yeah man this ones for the community, if you can make it better go for it! @Stingray

  • USS Sovereign 8.6 years ago

    A long time of trial and error. The original model was modeled after the original constitution class but I could never get it to fly so I moved on to the voyager and eventually this @Nick7885 @Stingray @Stingray @Stingray @Stingray

  • USS Sovereign 8.6 years ago

    A long time of trial and error. The original model was modeled after the original constitution class but I could never get it to fly so I moved on to the voyager and eventually this @Nick7885