1,567 CatAeroTechnics

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joined 7 months ago

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Juno Account, maybe I'll post something there never
Gravatar broke for me, for now i am stuck with whatever this thing is for profile picture.

About me

Hi i am CatAeroTechnics (aka CAT), welcome to my profile i guess. Have fun flying some of my planes.
Thank you all for your support.

Milestones (dd/mm/yyyy):

Joined - 17/8/24
100 points - 20/8/24
200 points - 24/8/24
500 points - 28/8/24
1000 points silver! - 6/9/24

About Cat Aeronautical (as 9/24)

Cat Aeronautical, originally named as Katz Aero Products, founded in 1965 in Italy by Manfredi Katz, originally focused on manufacturing aircraft parts and components. In 1967, the company underwent a rebranding and changed its name to "Cat Aeronautical", with those changes company began to develop plans for creating its own airplanes.

In 1969, first homebuild aircraft called CAT3 was made, it was turboprop regional airliner mainly being used on domestic use. There were 304 CAT3 aircraft ever build with production stops in 1999. Aircraft would feature 1-2 configuration with 25 passagers on full economy configuration.

In 1975, Cat Aeronautical expanded and formed a company group called "CAT group." This group included not only Cat Aeronautical but also other subsidiaries and divisions in the aerospace and aviation industry. Primary group manages logistics and matinance agencies for aircraft. CAT group contains 6 comapnies: Cat Aeronautical, Cat technic, Cat R&D, Cat Computing Corp., Catline logical solutions and Cat mechanics.

As modern day company produces 5 aircraft models: CAT 10 - regional airliner, CAT 75 - Narrowbody aircraft ment for middle of market, CAT 155 - Modern Widebody airliner, CAT 35 - Narrowbody Middle Range airliner and CAT 230 - Extra Long range widebody with capacity up to 450 passagers.

My Cat Aeronautical Builds

CAT10-200 - CAT200 "Helius"


My cat Caesar.

My favorite planes

Boeing 767

Embraer E-Jet E2 planes

And this cute thing Dash 8 Q100

(All image credits goes to Wikipedia)

Successor policy

Feel free to use my planes/parts of them for your work, dont forget to credit me if you do.


My timezone is +3 UTC, mostly active between 15:00 and 20:45 local time.

Current project: None

Status: Working on new planes when i can.

My planes


Airbus A320

Airbus A320-200 CFM - Lufthansa
Airbus A320-200 CFM (w/ sharklets) - Echo Airways
Airbus A320-200 CFM (w/Sharklets) - Air Canada


Boeing 717

Boeing 717-200



CRJ-200 Blank
CRJ-200 Lufthansa

Cat Aeronautical




CAT200 "Helius"



C172 - Blank

de Havilland Canada

Dash 6

DHC 6 - Twin Otter

Dash 8 Q 400

Dash 8 Q400 - airbaltic
Dash 8 Q400 Star alliance - Austrian

Douglas aircraft company

DC 3

DC 3 - Yeager International


L1011 Tristar

L1011-500 blank

My liveries


MAPA Boeing 737 MAX 8 - Southwind Airlines

Other stuff

Currently empty :3


Have a Hatsune Miku because you scrolled to the end :3