@Mousewithamachinegun122 I am having trouble with the cockpit and the body I don't know how long it will take me to finish it because I work on it a little bit then I stop and it's a cycle
@GuardianAerospace like I said you did nothing asking about him talking about him doesn't agitate me or make me mad the only thing that would piss me off would be someone saying something bad about him or bad about his death I'm going to tell you something that actually happened in school the day after he died it was raining when he died so when I buried him my shoes had mud all over them I forgot to clean them by the way he died on Sunday anyway on Monday when I was at school one of my classmates said what happened to your shoes I said my dog died so when I buried him mud got on them he said I wouldn't care shoe's are more important
@GuardianAerospace he got sick and started losing weight on the day he passed he barely could walk because when he got sick I don't know how or why but he had a hard time waking with his back legs I don't know why I'm telling you this
@Wolfy26 1 use the gyroscope thingy 2 increase the power of the tail rotor 3 if you need to put two tail rotors 4 Go to the gyroscope and turn on yaw, pitch and turn to 100 percent That's all I can think of also don't forget to put a vertical stabilizer
@Wolfy26 here's a few tips one not trying to be rude but you will get more downloads and upvotes if you put more effort in your planes two on big planes use the technique I do with the designs three try not to make your landing gears too long
I'm having trouble verifying my channel
+1So I had to set it to not original content
@GuardianAerospace oh ok max was 6 when he passed
+1@GuardianAerospace Is Orla a golden retriever?
+1@GuardianAerospace Maybe the 747 [Queen of the skys]
+1@GuardianAerospace My profile pic is max it's from 2021 if you want you can send me a picture of Orla.
+1Finally after 30 minutes I have upvoted every plane you have posted
+1Good job once again
+1Good job
+1It's the flying pancake literally
+1@Noob101 also I don't think anyone has put a positive comment like this on one of my post thank you
+1@Kerbango I live in Georgia so I didn't see the full thing but I liked it
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 I was too did you enjoy the solar eclipse?
+1@WinsWings ok
+1When will you post it? I can't wait
+1Wow good job!!!
+1@Christiant2 ok I was just wondering
+1@MrSilverWolf ok
+1I made one!!!
+1@PrussianAirlines thanks
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 I am having trouble with the cockpit and the body I don't know how long it will take me to finish it because I work on it a little bit then I stop and it's a cycle
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 I know I have said I might take a break many times but I'm working on the flying pancake plane google it
+1@GuardianAerospace ok
+1@GuardianAerospace I don't no why he didn't delete mine also I don't understand what's the problem with having a memorial post as a plane
+1Why did you remove your pet shrimp memorial post? and yes we can be friends
+1@GuardianAerospace I don't know
+1@GuardianAerospace like I said you did nothing asking about him talking about him doesn't agitate me or make me mad the only thing that would piss me off would be someone saying something bad about him or bad about his death I'm going to tell you something that actually happened in school the day after he died it was raining when he died so when I buried him my shoes had mud all over them I forgot to clean them by the way he died on Sunday anyway on Monday when I was at school one of my classmates said what happened to your shoes I said my dog died so when I buried him mud got on them he said I wouldn't care shoe's are more important
+1@GuardianAerospace don't be sorry about reminding me about max I think about him a lot
+1@GuardianAerospace thanks
+1@GuardianAerospace he got sick and started losing weight on the day he passed he barely could walk because when he got sick I don't know how or why but he had a hard time waking with his back legs I don't know why I'm telling you this
+1@GuardianAerospace I'm sorry for your loss my dog who just died was a chocolate lab too his name was max
+1@Carsonkiddy2 I'm so sorry my life would be miserable if my cat died may your cat rest in peace
+1@GuardianAerospace thanks
+1Rest in peace shrimp I know what it's like losing a pet my dog max passed away a week ago I'm sorry for your loss
+1@Wolfy26 I tried to fix it I don't know how sorry
+1@Wolfy26 no problem
+1@Wolfy26 1 use the gyroscope thingy 2 increase the power of the tail rotor 3 if you need to put two tail rotors 4 Go to the gyroscope and turn on yaw, pitch and turn to 100 percent That's all I can think of also don't forget to put a vertical stabilizer
+1@Wolfy26 ok
+1@Wolfy26 ok. Also it's nothing to be sorry about I was just helping
+1@Wolfy26 here's a few tips one not trying to be rude but you will get more downloads and upvotes if you put more effort in your planes two on big planes use the technique I do with the designs three try not to make your landing gears too long
+1@PrussianAirlines thanks
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 thank you so much
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 I don't know how to put a thumbnail I'm on mobile
+1Good job all your jets are amazing quality
+1@Majakalona maybe
+1What on earth is this
+1V engine I think it looks the best
+1@oldmate52 ok thanks for the advice
+1@LunarEclipseSP ok
+1@PrussianAirlines @LunarEclipseSP what does that mean?
+1@Majakalona it's not insulting it's funny