@SkyGuyNoble I like the first thing you said
Jesus,god,family and my pets fun fact I have 3 dogs and 2 cats
@SimpleStudent thanks
@Wolfy26 no problem
Good job
@Mousewithamachinegun123 thanks
@Mousewithamachinegun123 thanks I'm done making it I posted to many things so I have to wait 24 hours sadly when I post it can you tell me what you think about it
@thesagaofmemelord mmmmm still sus
Pretty sus that there are 2 accounts that have the same profile picture and are uploading your stuff mmmmm I wonder
@Graingy ok thanks
Keep trying you will get better if you want you can look at my bombers to get a idea on how to build one
@Wolfy26 I've been doing good Im on vacation. how have you been?
@Speedhunter ok
It's a me Mario
@Terrora69 that's messed up
Tell him good job
@Monarchii good job
@Trainz448 I haven't gotten any sleep in 3 days so sorry (that was not sarcasm)
Thanks for following me
@Graingy I always come back
Har har har har har
Good job 👍
It's been 3 months😭
It's better than my car mine was so bad I didn't post it
Before I upvote this DO NOT UPVOTE MY STUFF I upvote to be nice not for something in return
Stop stealing other people's planes make your own
I will make something similar to this
I absolutely love this good job😄
@DatTrainGuy19 I'm not disappointed people like different things this post was just a joke
@DatTrainGuy19 cool
Good job this is amazing 10/10
@CAACpliot I'm American
Happy birthday🎂
@Monarchii I will make the p-80
@Monarchii ok thanks I will look at them later
@ColonelRelford yeah good point
@Zaineman no problem I was just letting you know
Good job👍
Max can you help me with my helicopter I posted it a little bit ago you will see it in my posts
@SKLV95 you didn't have to upvote my planes but thank you so much
@MaxTheMarten don't worry about it if I ever quit simple planes it's going to be years from now
Good job I love your planes 10/10
Good job I love the looks 10/10
Oh no!
10/10 good job
@Yish42 ok
@SkyGuyNoble I like the first thing you said
+1Jesus,god,family and my pets fun fact I have 3 dogs and 2 cats
+1@SimpleStudent thanks
+1@Wolfy26 no problem
+1Good job
+1@Mousewithamachinegun123 thanks
+1Good job
+1@Mousewithamachinegun123 thanks I'm done making it I posted to many things so I have to wait 24 hours sadly when I post it can you tell me what you think about it
+1@thesagaofmemelord mmmmm still sus
+1Pretty sus that there are 2 accounts that have the same profile picture and are uploading your stuff mmmmm I wonder
+1@Graingy ok thanks
+1Keep trying you will get better if you want you can look at my bombers to get a idea on how to build one
+1@Wolfy26 I've been doing good Im on vacation. how have you been?
+1Good job
+1@Speedhunter ok
+1It's a me Mario
+1@Terrora69 that's messed up
+1Tell him good job
+1@Monarchii good job
+1@Trainz448 I haven't gotten any sleep in 3 days so sorry (that was not sarcasm)
+1Thanks for following me
+1@Graingy I always come back
Har har har har har
+1Good job 👍
+1It's been 3 months😭
+1It's better than my car mine was so bad I didn't post it
+1Before I upvote this DO NOT UPVOTE MY STUFF I upvote to be nice not for something in return
+1Stop stealing other people's planes make your own
+1I will make something similar to this
+1I absolutely love this good job😄
+1@DatTrainGuy19 I'm not disappointed people like different things this post was just a joke
+1@DatTrainGuy19 cool
+1Good job this is amazing 10/10
+1Good job
+1@CAACpliot I'm American
+1Happy birthday🎂
+1@Monarchii I will make the p-80
+1@Monarchii ok thanks I will look at them later
+1@ColonelRelford yeah good point
+1@Zaineman no problem I was just letting you know
+1Good job👍
+1Max can you help me with my helicopter I posted it a little bit ago you will see it in my posts
+1@SKLV95 you didn't have to upvote my planes but thank you so much
+1@MaxTheMarten don't worry about it if I ever quit simple planes it's going to be years from now
+1Good job I love your planes 10/10
+1Good job I love the looks 10/10
+1Oh no!
+110/10 good job
+1@Yish42 ok