180 Celestra
Player Biography
Hi I’m Celestra.
I enjoy making abstract aircraft, I was born in Japan in 2009 and moved from Japan to Toronto, Canada. I chose my name after a far away Galaxy, most of my aircraft are named the same way too.
I’ve been playing SimplePlanes for a while, ever since it came out 9 years ago. My dream since a very young child is to be a pilot. Hopefully that will come true.
I made this account so I could share with you my airplanes, I know I won’t get much upvotes and I can confirm that I won’t be getting to a higher ranked player anytime soon, but I like building planes and that’s all.
I don’t usually comment on posts or host any challenges, I try to not become that type of person you see everywhere. But if you write a comment and you want a response, I’ll make sure to get back to you in the next few days.
Current Projects
I’m currently working on a smaller all orange and black plane called Noxaris.
Im currently working on a medium sized black prop plane called Arcadia.