DAMN WHAT IS "clamp(((Altitude-FR-rate(FR)/3)9-clamp(clamp01(sum(0.5)-1)( ((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)-rate(Latitude)2+rate(Latitude+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)))2clamp01(TargetSelected))cos(Heading)+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading)-rate(Longitude)2+rate(Longitude+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading)))2clamp01(TargetSelected))sin(Heading) ),-4,4)+(-rate(Altitude)/2+sum(clamp((TargetDistancesin(TargetElevation)+10/(1+clamp01(Commend_DontUseWinch)/2))smooth(clamp01(TargetSelected),1+clamp01(-TargetSelected)9),-1,1))4)-AltitudeAgl+clamp(sum(3),0,10)3-clamp(clamp01(sum(0.5)-1)( ((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading)-rate(Longitude)2+rate(Longitude+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading)))2clamp01(TargetSelected))cos(Heading)-((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)-rate(Latitude)2+rate(Latitude+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)))2clamp01(TargetSelected))sin(Heading) ),-4,4)-clamp(sin(TargetHeading-Heading)6sin(clamp(( abs((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading))+abs((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)) )/4,0,90))-YawRate/20,-1,1)/4)/9,-1,1)"???!?!?!?!?
@SuperSuperTheSylph Yeah, buddy. He served in the 326th Tarnopol Heavy Bomber Division of the 46th Air Army of the USSR, when it was still based in the city of Tartu, where its commander was Dzhokhar Dudaev, that is, he knew him personally.
There they flew the Tu-22 (unmodified).
It looks good. I'd like to know what his actual behavior is in the air. I'll try to make a couple of edits.
My grandfather flew a Tu-22, he was on combat missions in the Yom Kippur War and shot down a Mirage with a turret.
so, FAT upvote
@SuperSuperTheSylph nisi razumio, znam raspon modela raznih biroa za dizajn, pitao sam čije si zgrade proučavao, ili koji priručnik iz pare ili foruma u SP-u, posebno o stabilnosti leta helikoptera
@SuperSuperTheSylph Koristim prevodioca kako bih mogao bolje komunicirati s vama, jer ste u opisu profila napisali da ste Srbin. I ja sam iz Rusije. Možete li mi ukratko reći nešto o kodu na mi 28? Inače, jezici zapadnoslavenske skupine su smiješni i razumijem 30-50 posto govora
Човече, направио си хеликоптер који лети као хеликоптер а не као балван, то је веома импресивно. Такође желим да научим како да направим хеликоптер који добро лети. Реците ми, молим вас, чиме сте се руководили када сте градили ово чудо?
What a wonderful plane! My friend, my grandfather, served in the 31st Heavy Bomber Division of the 30th Air Army of the USSR. He told me many interesting things, about how lightning struck them in the middle of a clear sky and melted the cannon made of refractory metal, how he fought in the Yom Kippur War and shot down a Mirage 3 from a turret, how he flew around the Earth from the Arctic to Africa, how he flew from the western borders of the USSR to Kamchatka, how there were disasters in his military unit on this alcoplane, and he also served with Dzhokhar Dudayev. He inspired me to enter a higher flight school. A great man for me, a very important plane for me.
I definitely really like Soviet military aviation of 2-4 generations, this is probably a vivid example of this. Particularly respect for the original idea about cannon shells. It's a pity, of course, that air-to-air rockets in "SimplePlanes" are poorly implemented, and show unsatisfactory results even after hours of XML modding, because I and probably many other people want to create very accurate and interestingly working rockets. Maybe someday they will make a mod, or the developers will take care of this. + Upvote
Cool plane!
Some landing gear struts will not support the aircraft!
Also, the rear landing gears are not touching the ground, and I cannot solve this problem!
Redo the chassis please, you will succeed !!!
@ComradeSandman мудро сказано
+3DAMN WHAT IS "clamp(((Altitude-FR-rate(FR)/3)9-clamp(clamp01(sum(0.5)-1)( ((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)-rate(Latitude)2+rate(Latitude+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)))2clamp01(TargetSelected))cos(Heading)+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading)-rate(Longitude)2+rate(Longitude+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading)))2clamp01(TargetSelected))sin(Heading) ),-4,4)+(-rate(Altitude)/2+sum(clamp((TargetDistancesin(TargetElevation)+10/(1+clamp01(Commend_DontUseWinch)/2))smooth(clamp01(TargetSelected),1+clamp01(-TargetSelected)9),-1,1))4)-AltitudeAgl+clamp(sum(3),0,10)3-clamp(clamp01(sum(0.5)-1)( ((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading)-rate(Longitude)2+rate(Longitude+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading)))2clamp01(TargetSelected))cos(Heading)-((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)-rate(Latitude)2+rate(Latitude+((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)))2clamp01(TargetSelected))sin(Heading) ),-4,4)-clamp(sin(TargetHeading-Heading)6sin(clamp(( abs((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))sin(TargetHeading))+abs((TargetDistancecos(TargetElevation))cos(TargetHeading)) )/4,0,90))-YawRate/20,-1,1)/4)/9,-1,1)"???!?!?!?!?
+3@Mobileplayer1029 Fiction and propaganda
+3В жизни он не менее смешно выглядит, летающий кубик
+2My grandfather fought against Israel on this plane
+2Советский F-104 лол
+2WT OP on 12.7
+1Поздравляю друже, лучших благ тебе мой славянский братишка!!!
+1@Rob119 признателен тебе
+1@LunarEclipseSP да
+1@Boeing727200F я тоже готовлюсь к огромному и важнейшему тесту, вперед чемпион
+1@Boeing727200F ххаха, давай иди готовься приятель
+1@LunarEclipseSP уже!
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph Yeah, buddy. He served in the 326th Tarnopol Heavy Bomber Division of the 46th Air Army of the USSR, when it was still based in the city of Tartu, where its commander was Dzhokhar Dudaev, that is, he knew him personally.
+1There they flew the Tu-22 (unmodified).
lego crashing sound"
+1It looks good. I'd like to know what his actual behavior is in the air. I'll try to make a couple of edits.
+1My grandfather flew a Tu-22, he was on combat missions in the Yom Kippur War and shot down a Mirage with a turret.
so, FAT upvote
@Monarchii ты написал неплохое предложение. продолжай учить русский, всё будет хорошо.
+1@Monarchii well done translit ah language gulage moment
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph ?
+1I have some problems with the pictures in the post, they just disappeared
@SuperSuperTheSylph конечно, всё в порядке очереди, удачи в начинаниях :0
+1Предлагаю сделать Як-130 или Л-39 Альбатрос, в моем городе курсанты учатся летать на них
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph ладно спасибо друже
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph nisi razumio, znam raspon modela raznih biroa za dizajn, pitao sam čije si zgrade proučavao, ili koji priručnik iz pare ili foruma u SP-u, posebno o stabilnosti leta helikoptera
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph Koristim prevodioca kako bih mogao bolje komunicirati s vama, jer ste u opisu profila napisali da ste Srbin. I ja sam iz Rusije. Možete li mi ukratko reći nešto o kodu na mi 28? Inače, jezici zapadnoslavenske skupine su smiješni i razumijem 30-50 posto govora
+1Човече, направио си хеликоптер који лети као хеликоптер а не као балван, то је веома импресивно. Такође желим да научим како да направим хеликоптер који добро лети. Реците ми, молим вас, чиме сте се руководили када сте градили ово чудо?
+1Видел в Краснодаре как его везли в прицепе грузовика. Он был разобран как лего хахаха, лего за десятки миллионов долларов
+1Good jet, 50/50 missiles
+1What a wonderful plane! My friend, my grandfather, served in the 31st Heavy Bomber Division of the 30th Air Army of the USSR. He told me many interesting things, about how lightning struck them in the middle of a clear sky and melted the cannon made of refractory metal, how he fought in the Yom Kippur War and shot down a Mirage 3 from a turret, how he flew around the Earth from the Arctic to Africa, how he flew from the western borders of the USSR to Kamchatka, how there were disasters in his military unit on this alcoplane, and he also served with Dzhokhar Dudayev. He inspired me to enter a higher flight school. A great man for me, a very important plane for me.
+1simple and great jet!
+1fun post!
+1@ZeroWithSlashedO I have the right to leave you a comment that will burn your ass, my dear boy ^^
+1@DankeOlli What section should I put this in? Didn't understand you a bit. Many thanks for the help!
+1I definitely really like Soviet military aviation of 2-4 generations, this is probably a vivid example of this. Particularly respect for the original idea about cannon shells. It's a pity, of course, that air-to-air rockets in "SimplePlanes" are poorly implemented, and show unsatisfactory results even after hours of XML modding, because I and probably many other people want to create very accurate and interestingly working rockets. Maybe someday they will make a mod, or the developers will take care of this. + Upvote
+1Best dropped Sukhoi aircraft on www.simpleplanes.com I've ever seen
+1L O V E T H I S P L A N E
+1Yo! this amazing, if you can’t brake just do “brake torque” from 50 to 0,4 in XML editior.
+1Who can make reverse on this plane?
+1I can make slow brakes and flaps.
Cool plane!
Some landing gear struts will not support the aircraft!
Also, the rear landing gears are not touching the ground, and I cannot solve this problem!
Redo the chassis please, you will succeed !!!
Good manoeuvrability!
+1Good, but make please in XML brake torque 0,1-1 on wheels. Because Boeing brakes to 0 very fast.
+1WOW insane
хахахххахахаахаха бомбы трясутся как сиськи моей бывшей ;)))
@SumateraIndustries american freedom!!!
5 GBU-10 @ErikaMaid
2 GBU-12 @OPaiTaOn
Litening II @BangRou
why it so slow
dude you have big potential
Работа идет своим ходом