@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 hi you can make this for me my discord: chasper sending the photo design in discord
@overlord5453 i did it
@overlord5453 ok
@overlord5453 did you get it?
@overlord5453 i sended the request
@overlord5453 Do you have discord it seems like i cant send a photo to you
@overlord5453 can I send a photo i took for the design
@overlord5453 do you make interior included or no if know its fine
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 hi you can make this for me my discord: chasper sending the photo design in discord
@overlord5453 i did it
@overlord5453 ok
@overlord5453 did you get it?
@overlord5453 i sended the request
@overlord5453 Do you have discord it seems like i cant send a photo to you
@overlord5453 can I send a photo i took for the design
@overlord5453 do you make interior included or no if know its fine