120 CheesyMikal Comments

  • American bomber 7.1 years ago

    I tried my best to make it take off of water, but it won’t work. I’ll tell you why: This sow barely gets off land with falling off the roof. She’s just too heavy and too slow. Without you do something about one of those two, I’ll deem it impossible to do.

  • The Lead Thrower MK1 7.1 years ago

    Disregard the comment below, it flies fine. I recommend doing the same thing as this, but having all the guns fire backward so you wouldn’t have to chase in a dogfight.

  • Kielbasa 2.0 7.1 years ago

    I upped the dead-weight of the interior shaft of the intake from 550 to 800, and personally I like the way it flies after that slight modification.

  • Wide flyer 7.1 years ago

    I’ve gotten it out of the water. I recommend just a little bit of weight toward the back, a few gallons of fuel does the trick.

  • alalala 7.1 years ago

    I got it to 1169mph

  • Offshore Jet Boat 9.9 years ago

    Try putting the vertical stabilizers in the water. (On the bottom of the boat.)

  • Foxtrot Mk. II 9.9 years ago

    Great, I love its response. Nice speed, and I didn't even notice the second cockpit until I looked at the parts map.