15 ChefPhatMan Comments

  • MARC SS EX1 Mk1 7.1 years ago

    @Gestour thank you for the upvote!!!

  • Help please veterans!!! 7.0 years ago

    @LostNight can you please show me an example or screenshot?

  • XS-3 Apex Fighterv2 7.2 years ago

    @RodWan now that i checked it, it is very possible that i downloaded v1 my bad! awesome planes sir!!! keep on designing

  • XS-3 Apex Fighterv2 7.2 years ago

    @RodWan then something must be wrong with either my install or your save of your plane because i keep trying to use the activation groups and things are messed up. for example your AG1 which is supposed to be deploy wings is now open mini gun bay for shooting stuff.

  • XS-3 Apex Fighterv2 7.2 years ago

    do i need mods to use this beast that you designed @RodWan ?