0 CometInSky Comments

  • LCAA 3.2 years ago

    *yeeting the hovercraft into densely packed enemy soldiers intensifies

  • Kalashnikoppu [2D Pixel Art Challenge] 6 months ago

    ah, I see, fellow GFL enjoyer
    upvoted and followed! I shall watch your career with great interest ( ´▽`)

  • Vought F4U-1D "Corsair" 2.0 years ago

    Take off might be a bit hard, as the plane tend to roll to the left when accelerating on the runway. But it flies like a charm, and the problem during takeoff could be countered by more aggressive controls. Nice build over all!

    By the way, and don’t get mad….cuz I Jet-engine swapped the F4U. It’s shabby work done by a newbie, the takeoff is even harder to control, and the fuel consumption is outrageously high….But on the plus side, it accelerates even faster.

  • F-15C Eagle (Cipher & Pixy) [Read desc. before download] 3.2 years ago

    “My name is PJ, which stands for peanut butter and Jacksonville, Florida” —PJ
    “Also PJ, your mic is a war crime” —Pixy
    “What happened to the fun plane game?”—Cipher, probably

  • Dolores-Gunner 3.3 years ago

    Never thought I’d see an anime girl welding a gun outside Girl’s Frontline. Remarkable job my good sir!

  • Mil A-24 Thunderhind II 2.0 years ago

    It basically a LAAT/i without the hovering ability and troop capacity.

    Pros: Higher speed for breakthrough, could provide CAS after para-drop a squad of soldiers behind enemy lines.

    Cons: You’re probably high on crack again.