105 ConSlayer Comments

  • Just a Plane (more power) 9.8 years ago

    This has the same power as one of the 1200 M.P.H planes!

  • Amphibious Car mark 1.5 9.8 years ago

    Too powerful unfortunaly but good concept

  • Goose V1 9.8 years ago


  • For you, Matt 9.8 years ago

    Same problem

  • For you, Matt 9.8 years ago

    Alright but tips at some points

  • Boat 9.8 years ago

    Ddgy at floating as well

  • Rosetta Rocket 9.8 years ago

    I tried to make a rocket but nothing could beat this!!!

  • Pod Racer 9.8 years ago

    Can't steer or fly :-(

  • Pod Racer 9.8 years ago

    Doesn't fly and not steerable I going to make a steerable version for people who want to steer. Quite like the idea of the dummies

  • ki-45 toryu is got a cannon! 9.8 years ago

    Good: 1) top speed 604m.p.h 2) good Plane Bad: 1) why do the wheels detach off? 2) where the cannon?

  • nano speed jet plane 9.8 years ago

    Flip over on take of but it moves :-)