110 Cowboyrob Comments

  • Bandit Run 9.0 years ago

    Why does the ai shake the hell outta the pitch control everytime I try to run a fast plane. If I reduce the control surface size then it doesn't shake as much but can't turn. This is the first ive tried to build one for a race and I can barely get it to finish with the ai flying. That and it seems like it always rolls a couple times between rings. Maybe cuz I'm trying to run the ai on my iphone

  • Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit 9.0 years ago

    VTOL up and the cockpit goes flying off. I figured it Eason purpose lol. @Noman0rumeral

  • Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit 9.0 years ago

    Love that it has ejection seat