@dINE Ah.....
Anyway what started me reuploading deleted planes was because one of flyingsteve88 was accidentally found by me but when I realized that he has no plane but giant point I know something is wrong, thats what started my love to perserve the planes from cool builders,
Honestly I love this because of its a great emotional boost when I succumb to my deppresion, but yeah I am going to sleep now, adios friend
@dINE I usually search for the closest coloring and part count, if the plane is so far away from what its supposed to be, I make a tea and then spend hours trying to get it as close as possible
The most painful plane to get it right is the modern A-10 because lack of backside screenshot, confusing looking weapon, and the plane im working with is very far away from the original
I found old deleted Su-33 mod and used it, because of weird connection with the mod I got into a bit of problem while building it, when I was flying it for the first time the wheels just no clipped into the ground and my plane exploded, thats why the grey thingy on the bottom exist.
@Snowdog nevermind. I found the android version, dont know if it actually works tho because im too lazy to test it myself.
Anyway: https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/Download/769370?p=Android
@ThatRandomCouchPotato for me, I just drag my file to the postimg wait for it to completed, then click again on the picture, then right click and and then select open image in a new tab, copy the link, and done. There might be other way to do it but yeah, I do it this way
@ThatRandomCouchPotato add picture to a post? If thats the question heres the answer.
Add  in your post, I recommend using postimg.cc for uploading image, any other image postibg site could work
@dINE Oh yea since youre part of this community longer than I do, may I ask what happend to flyingsteve88? Because when I go to the last saved site before he cleared his plane I dont see anything indicating he will do this
@CsGalaxyID but sadly theres one plane I have been trying so hard to obtain but unable to, its because
first : the site doesnt get stored by wayback machine
Second : I tried going directly to the succesor but there was none
@CsGalaxyID but it is very diffrent if we are talking about mods, because they even if removed the download site is still available, so I can just search mods, download it to see if it work, and if it work I go post it
@CsGalaxyID basiclly
1. I go search cool deleted plane
2. I search for the closest one to make my job easier
3. If the plane is far from the original im going to fix it as best as I could
4. Upload
5. Profit
yea bad news my phone is freezing rn and it cant even turn off 💀💀💀💀
+6@dINE Ah.....
+2Anyway what started me reuploading deleted planes was because one of flyingsteve88 was accidentally found by me but when I realized that he has no plane but giant point I know something is wrong, thats what started my love to perserve the planes from cool builders,
Honestly I love this because of its a great emotional boost when I succumb to my deppresion, but yeah I am going to sleep now, adios friend
sadly I think the mod doesnt work on mobile because when I tried it my game just freezes. maybe thats because of my potato phone
+2So, have you found a reason to fight yet? Buddy.
+1Aight after using it for about 10 minutes I just want to say that the afterburner effect is the coolest thing I have ever seen
+1Damn, now I have a flashback of the time where I ran out of ammo and decide to do uberlingen disaster to the closest enemy 💀💀💀
+1@CL125 Yea, it is so long infact, that when I was naming it the first time, fresh from the share button, it couldnt even fit the whole name lol 💀💀💀
+1@dINE yea, if the plane still exist and just unlisted I can just download them and bring them back into circulation
+1@dINE I usually search for the closest coloring and part count, if the plane is so far away from what its supposed to be, I make a tea and then spend hours trying to get it as close as possible
The most painful plane to get it right is the modern A-10 because lack of backside screenshot, confusing looking weapon, and the plane im working with is very far away from the original
+1I found old deleted Su-33 mod and used it, because of weird connection with the mod I got into a bit of problem while building it, when I was flying it for the first time the wheels just no clipped into the ground and my plane exploded, thats why the grey thingy on the bottom exist.
+1@Snowdog nevermind. I found the android version, dont know if it actually works tho because im too lazy to test it myself.
+1Anyway: https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/Download/769370?p=Android
@Snowdog sadly I only have the pc
+1time to troll my phone with this
+1@32 alright thanks for the tips!
I went all out on this one because of random 3am productivity boost
decided to make a lil picture of the original site. it is very cool
@ThatRandomCouchPotato aw man, im sorry I cant help you :(
@ThatRandomCouchPotato for me, I just drag my file to the postimg wait for it to completed, then click again on the picture, then right click and and then select open image in a new tab, copy the link, and done. There might be other way to do it but yeah, I do it this way
@ThatRandomCouchPotato add picture to a post? If thats the question heres the answer.
Add  in your post, I recommend using postimg.cc for uploading image, any other image postibg site could work
@Boreddd gib me inspiration of plane that I should bring back from the dead
@dINE Oh yea since youre part of this community longer than I do, may I ask what happend to flyingsteve88? Because when I go to the last saved site before he cleared his plane I dont see anything indicating he will do this
@CsGalaxyID but sadly theres one plane I have been trying so hard to obtain but unable to, its because
first : the site doesnt get stored by wayback machine
Second : I tried going directly to the succesor but there was none
@CsGalaxyID but it is very diffrent if we are talking about mods, because they even if removed the download site is still available, so I can just search mods, download it to see if it work, and if it work I go post it
@CsGalaxyID basiclly
1. I go search cool deleted plane
2. I search for the closest one to make my job easier
3. If the plane is far from the original im going to fix it as best as I could
4. Upload
5. Profit
@dINE Ngl im very happy I found this mod lol, it looks super sick
The description is just pure gold
@Micmekox It isnt mine, its made by Flyingsteve88 (it is deleted as of today but I managed to get the plane)
Thank you my man. Now my quest of searching flyingsteve88 su-74 has ended
wow theres a house in this map. perfect site to drop 25 boom 50 from my plane
That mobile friendly tag is faker than me flexing that I have a girlfriend