A couple of issues here. There is only i engine with 2 nozzles on the core stage (orange center bit) not 4 nozzles. and also the white boosters on the Atlas V are not even
@HelloILikeSimplePlanes well you see, it is hard to get realistic acceleration and top speed in simple planes you kind of have to choose. If the top speed is correct the acceleration will be to high and if the acceleration of correct the speed will be all wrong. This is due to the fact that the physics engine in simple planes is not super advanced (it’s not bad but it’s not on the level of a flight simulator)
Also a few more things: you have to get up nice and high to reach to speed
And hitting 2 toggles the flaps, the flaps are already down when it is loaded so pull the flaps up
I guess the builder thought that realistic acceleration was more important here.
Weirdly enough it worked once and then never worked again is there something I am doing wrong? I am waiting for aiming to complete and even waiting an extra few seconds...
This looks very cool, how do you fly it you left no instructions
+5As of today this beautiful one of a kind bird was destroyed in an air raid. RIP Mriya you will be missed.
+3This looks cool, how do I install mods?
+3to make it more realistic disable 3 landing legs.
+3@IceCraft furiously strapping rockets to a cargo ship
+2What a beautiful airplane
+1For some reason I could not get it to work at the wright north isles.
great job though. it's so amazing.
+1@UltraLight no worries
+1A couple of issues here. There is only i engine with 2 nozzles on the core stage (orange center bit) not 4 nozzles. and also the white boosters on the Atlas V are not even
+1How do you fly this? I don't know how to detach from the cart or fire the engine.
+1@zou27877 then don't repost all their shit without crediting them
+1Hey, credit Inuyasha8215 , the person who actually made this plane
+1that's actually very cool
+1@HelloILikeSimplePlanes well you see, it is hard to get realistic acceleration and top speed in simple planes you kind of have to choose. If the top speed is correct the acceleration will be to high and if the acceleration of correct the speed will be all wrong. This is due to the fact that the physics engine in simple planes is not super advanced (it’s not bad but it’s not on the level of a flight simulator)
Also a few more things: you have to get up nice and high to reach to speed
And hitting 2 toggles the flaps, the flaps are already down when it is loaded so pull the flaps up
I guess the builder thought that realistic acceleration was more important here.
+1Ah Hans das ist very fast Ja
+1@LarryTad do it several people can post the same thing.
lmao what is this
@ultralight only the left SRB detaches and the shuttle has no landing gear, however it is a beautiful build
@OPaiTaOn this counts as obscene? its literally words
@Erc90F4RU yes
This is not a NASA vehicle it's a ULA (United Launch Alliance) vehicle.
I am in
Ah that makes sense @dawalishi1
Looks cool! I’ll try it out and return with feedback if I have any.
how does it move, I cant get it to work
Weirdly enough it worked once and then never worked again is there something I am doing wrong? I am waiting for aiming to complete and even waiting an extra few seconds...
@Joecrax172 It's a very cool engine but it looks weird as hell I made it so people can use it without making it look like their plane is made of lego.
@210100 yes and I might add guns to it
@CerberusWorks I like your optimism.
@CerberusWorks I tried lol
@Airwarrior Anything can become a bomb if operated poorly enough.
@Olileoli yes
@BaconAircraft where can I download this?
Right but if people show enough interest he might release it @Tookan
No, this genuinely interesting, I would love to give it a go.@Tookan
where can I download this @BaconAircraft
@Chillybaconface wasn't Russian enough
@Pajamas720 just full throttle while pitching all the way up should eventually do it
you madlads have made this my most upvoted post
@zou27877 at the time of this comment you didn't you have since edited your post
@DwiAngkasaAeronautics after I hit the download button I don't know what to do how do i download it to simpleplanes
where is the multiplayer mod and how do I install it properly
@UltraLight ah yes of course
this is my favorite plane in the world, these things are so damn cool
I must be out of the loop what is ingenuity
Now what the hell is this sampoy
@Alexskils201 acceleration yes
you should make a plane like your profile photo @bagelplane
looks great, lets see how it flies
Edit: It flies like an intoxicated beluga whale which means you made a great recreation of the real thing