292 Cynicalkeycoaster22

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joined 7.5 years ago

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hello my name is cynicalkeycoaster22 and you have made it to my profile hopefully you enjoy my creations.

Latest creation: Yeet
This will always be updated when one of my new planes comes out.

I'm working on a new plane of some sort if you want me to build a plane that's an idea fell free to message me on one I usually respond to comments

Heyy guys it's me agin if you are fed up with reading this (hopefully not) if you are just mess around with a plane on the workshop, hopefully you are reading this bit because it's important I might take a while to make a plane due to the facts I'm usually buisy. Anyway if you want to join me in ROBLOX I usually am not online much if I am fell free to follow me or friend me if I accept your friend request welcome. Check out my profile cynicalkeycoaster22, anyway I have wasted your time enough now explaining the stuff I explained above
