2 DVWSON06WVSS3R Comments

  • Dodge m37 flatbed 6.5 years ago

    Great idea. I changed the mechanism and setup just a tad. check it out. it moves further and tilts

  • Help please - windows 7 6.6 years ago

    Its pretty much stock. My friend gave it to me and I put in a 400w power supply. As far as I know that's the only upgrade to it. I will def look into getting a better Cpu and gpu plus more ram. My friend is gona build me a computer in the future so we will see which one comes first. Thanks guys for the help. Much appreciated

  • Help please - windows 7 6.6 years ago

    I got my computer up to 3gb of virtual ram. Really can't be spending money so upgrading is kinda hard. I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong