Looks great! SOooo... SENSITIVE! Like I breathed on the pedal and the whole thing flipped upside down! Once I mastered its ultra sense, however, it flies well!
Looks great, flies like a kite too. With the flap all the way down and airbrake you almost cannot put it down! Also AG3 is for parachute, not that it needed I don't think
@rexrexThezion just showed up in MP with this thing. Kinda chaotic
Surprisingly small. Fast too!
Looks good, flies great! I find out that you don't really need throttle half of the time once you get it off the ground
Looks and flies great!
Just like the last ones, but 4x4
+1Now put a pair of giant propellers on it and a tail, then you can make the Hoverfly XL
+1TMach5 Starter Pack
@Kimfri arigato!
Imma just call it Chrome Bird. It's real fast, even with the afterburners!
Big Chungus over here. Great performance!
+1Drives great! Also really durable
+1Will have to try out more, but dang this is good! Dan Proof!
+1Not Dan proof
Flies a bit stiff, but it's a bomber so whatever! Still hard to keep it up though. And booo you cannot shoot yourself with the turrents! 0/10!
Looks great! SOooo... SENSITIVE! Like I breathed on the pedal and the whole thing flipped upside down! Once I mastered its ultra sense, however, it flies well!
Neato. This is actually the first time I see that take off mode here.
The best realistic car I've ever driven that isn't a thousand parts big
Looks great, flies like a kite too. With the flap all the way down and airbrake you almost cannot put it down! Also AG3 is for parachute, not that it needed I don't think
Looks neat, drives a bit wonky though. Feels like a land helicopter for me. Good pack of arsenal too
Great and simple looking helicopter! Flies good too. Funny how you can tilt your guns up to shoot your propeller though lol
@TMach5 lol =p
Actually pretty good!
Welp you're right, this is probably the best I've ever flown. Could've used more fuel though
Always love the old style MiGs. Nice build, but the gray bullets make it hard to see over the ocean
@FishMiner sort of. I just going through my followers, which happen to include you!
+1Looks and drives great! I like the simplicity
Looks unique, performs nice for what it is. How does this even work man?
Looks great! Flies about as good as any helicopters flown by me. The gimmick is a bit wonky, but worked
Looks cool, flies great, nice arsenal too
Looks great! Flies alright, but a bit stiff for a fighter.
Looks good, flies great for its wing type!
Looks like a toy plane
Glorious! Looks and flies amazing for what it is. Nice details too!
+1Looks and flies good!
Looks pretty cool, flies a bit wonky though. I guess it's a bomber?
Looks great, drives great too!
Looks good, flies great, gimmicks are fine too, except the ejection seat, it doesn't really work for me for some reason
Looks lol, flies good surprising. Can't steer on the ground though.
Looks amazing, drives good for what it is too
+1Looks great, flies alright, but I just suck at helicopters in general.
Looks great, flies good, but it feels a bit slow for me. Also it can't actually land on water though =(
Looks amazing, performs great too! I find it easier to just land on water like a seaplane.
Looks neat, drives nice too!
It's an engine! ... Not too sure what else I was expecting. It does looks really good though!
+1Looks like the airship boss from the super obscure Air Strike 3D 2 game. Flies a bit weird for me as usual with all the VTOL I guess.
Flies like a helicopter strapped to a rocket
+1Oh it's the Pokeball of Death! I actually had some fun with this thing trying to take down the fleet
+1Looks kinda cool. Strange mode of propulsion though. Also it likes to flip! Or should I say... twist!?